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英语翻译Con c er ning the p r oc essing time of the hybrid rigi

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 03:22:31
Con c er ning the p r oc essing time of the hybrid rigi d body mode ls given in Table 1,a con s id erable re-ductio n is a c hieved comp ared to the pure finite eleme n t model.The pre s ented systems requ ired about 60 - 80 % le ss CPU-time on the sam e computing env ironm ent,whic h is ma inly d ue to the redu ction ofcontac t sea r ching effort by merging a gr oup of finite element s int o one rigid body.This shows the benefit of mo deling bu ildin g colla pse only with rigi d bodie s co nne ctedby nonlinear hinge s,which is a main interest of the rese arch unit 500.Applying this kind of reduced efficient model s allows to performthe high amo unt of param etrical studie s e.g.in order to investigate unce r taintie s.
精读 c er ning p r oc S 字混合 rigi d 的时间团体模态被屈服表 1 的 ls,欺诈 s 遗传素质 erable 关于-ductio n 是 a c hieved 被是到纯粹的有限 eleme n t 模型的排字工人.pre s ented 系统关于 6080% 的 le ss 处理器的被忿怒的 requ-在 sam e 上计时计算机 env ironm ent,whic h 在内是妈 d ue 对 redu 藉由合并有限元素 s int o 的 gr oup 一个硬的身体 ction ofcontac t 海洋 r ching 努力.这只用 rigi d bodie s co nne ctedby 非线性是 rese 的主要兴趣拱门组件 500 的铰链 s 表示 mo deling bu ildin g colla pse 的利益.举例来说应用这种减少有效率的模型 s 允许到 performthe param etrical studie s 的高 amo unt 为了要调查 unce r taintie s.