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哪位大神可以帮我写几个英语口试的话题 一个需要两分钟的时间 是期末口语考试的题目

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/07 14:43:37
哪位大神可以帮我写几个英语口试的话题 一个需要两分钟的时间 是期末口语考试的题目
因为下周三英语口语考试 老师需要口语测试 给了下面四个口试话题 不是对话的形式 是话题的形式 就是英语作文估计 赶紧的帮我啊 不然我要挂科了~泪流满面.
① A desirable place to live in
② Modern family trends
③ The most prestigious job in my mind
④ The widening gap between the rich and the poor in China
① A desirable place to live in
When it comes to the place to live in,most people of course look forward to such large cities as New York,Beijing and Shanghai.However,in my mind, a desirable place to live in should firstly
be out of large cities where we can enjoy fresh air ,green trees ,singing of the birds and beautiful natural scenery .Secondly,it should be not so away from large cities,from where we can get what we need with ease and within a little time.
But that doesn't mean there must be no factories or companies around.On the contrary,what I mean is that,there should be necessary equipment in the factories or companies to help prevent
them from bringing about water pollution ,air pollution and noises.
Thirdly,I wish there are playground,sports equipment and swimming pool and so on in the place I live in,which can ensure people to do sports and take exercise in order to keep healthy.
Last but not least,convenient transportation is beyond everything for a desirable place to live in.
That's all.Thank you(for listening)!

再问: 大神 后面能不能全给了吖 真是太谢谢你了哦 真的 我周三就考试了 来不及了 跪求 跪求
再答: 没必要啊,小妹! 咱都是英语方面的人,说实话吧,不能总是完全依靠别人。自己的专业,以后要靠这混饭吃,那还不自己得多练习嘛。 再说了,我也有正事,没那么多时间写。 而主要问题是,我不能完全替代你,更不应该剥夺你自己练习的机会。 给你一个示范性文章,你觉得可以的话,就参考它,亲自完成其他的内容写作和准备。如果你真能这样做了,相信你会更自信,以后也或更了不起的。 遇到这类事,其实就是人生的小小的转折点、关键点。注意珍惜这样的机会,它会标志你未来的转变方向——每个这样的关口,你都靠自己度过了,你的生活会完全不同。
再问: 我学的不是英语专业 大神 我是期末考试。。。
再答: 抱歉!没见你早点回复。今天有空,再帮你补充一篇。 Modern family trends Nowadays,with the rapid develpment of modern society and the changes of ideas of people,many new trends have become accepted by more modern families.The most obvious ones are the following. Above all,almost all families are more practical in daily expense or consumption.People pay more attention to the practical use and value of what they spend time or money on.This in fact saves much . Next,more and more families are attaching more importane to healthy diet and nutritions.They choose what they eat not just for filling their appetite,but on the basis of their health and enough nutritions. Finally,a lot of families are putting more emphasis on the quality of their life.They prefer to go out travelling ,on holiay,having meals or entertainment,only if they feel those are what they want that can help them live a rich and colorful and full life. That's all.thank you.