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英语翻译The reports of terror plots emanating this year from thi

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 16:14:41
The reports of terror plots emanating this year from this Muslim region in the far west of China might seem fanciful:A foiled plot to blow up a plane; a cache of TNT to bomb the Summer Olympics; even a “violent terrorist gang” that planned to kidnap Olympic athletes.
But these aren’t whispers on the Internet.They’re reports coming from the Chinese government.So I flew out here to Kashgar — an oasis on the ancient Silk Road,where the minarets and camels and carpets provide a Middle Eastern ambience — to look for terrorists.
Instead,China’s State Security Ministry found me.I had been in Kashgar just a few hours when my videographer,who is ethnically Chinese,called to say that two plainclothes officials were interrogating him.They asked him not to tell me since American journalists tend to be touchy about such things.
The interrogation was a sign of the authorities’ anxiety about stability in China’s Muslim west.Separatists here in the Xinjiang region aim to create the nation of “East Turkestan” and have periodically blown up police stations — even bombed three public buses in 1997.
The Chinese government has claimed that 162 people were killed in such terror attacks by Uighur separatists between 1990 and 2001.Meanwhile,China has sentenced more than 200 people to death since 1997 for engaging in such separatist crimes.
Last year,Chinese officials said that 18 people had been killed when police raided a Uighur terrorist training camp with ties to Al Qaeda.The raid netted 1,500 grenades.
Then in March,China announced that it had foiled a plot “to create an air crash,” in a passenger plane shortly after it took off from the Xinjiang capital of Urumqi.In April,the authorities said that they had confiscated explosives from Uighurs who were planning suicide bomb attacks.
“This violent terrorist gang secretly plotted to kidnap journalists,visitors and athletes during the Beijing Olympics,” The Associated Press quoted Wu Heping,a spokesman for the Public Security Ministry,as saying.
Then just this month,a crowded bus blew up in Shanghai,killing three people and injuring many more.No one publicly claimed responsibility,but it recalled the 1997 Uighur bus bombings.
Ronald Noble,the secretary general of Interpol,cited these incidents — and also reports of a separatist plot to disrupt the Olympic Games with poison gas — and told a press conference that a terror attack at the Olympics was “a real possibility.”
It’s not entirely clear what to make of all this,for as I strolled around Kashgar I found the situation remarkably calm.I wasn’t expecting to uncover a terrorist cell,but I had anticipated more hostility toward the government.Ordinary Uighurs I spoke with offered measured complaints,but they weren’t seething as Tibetans are.
“Nobody likes it when the Chinese all move in here,” said a Uighur shop-keeper.“Of course,we’re all upset.But what can we do?”
报告的恐怖阴谋所产生的,今年从这个穆斯林地区在远东中国西部的可能似乎幻想: 1挫败了阴谋炸毁了一个平面;缓存的TNT炸弹夏季奥运会;即使是“暴力恐怖团伙”计划绑架奥运健儿.
审讯是一个迹象,有关当局的焦虑有关稳定在中国的穆斯林西.分离主义分子在这里,在新疆地区的目标,创造民族的“东土耳其斯坦” ,并已定期炸毁了警署-甚至轰炸三,公共巴士在1 997年.
中国政府已声称, 162人死亡,在这种恐怖袭击的维吾尔分离主义分子之间的1990年和2001年.同时,中国已被判刑超过200人死刑,自1997年以来,从事在这种分裂的罪行.
去年,中国官员说, 18人被杀害时,警方突击搜查一维吾尔恐怖分子训练营地的联系与基地组织有关.行动中拘捕1500枚手榴弹.
然后在3月,中国宣布,它已破获一宗阴谋“ ,以创造一个航机坠毁事件, ”在一个乘客的飞机后不久,该机起飞,从新疆首府乌鲁木齐召开.今年4月,有关当局说,他们没收了炸药从维吾尔谁策划自杀炸弹攻击.
“这种暴力恐怖团伙暗中策划绑架记者,游客和运动员在北京奥运会, ”美联社援引吴和平的一位发言人公安部,正如说.
“没有人喜欢它,当中国的所有动议,在这里,说: ”维吾尔族店-蓄养. “当然,我们都不高兴.但我们可以做什么“ ?