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英语翻译AbstractReaders are exposed to an enormous number of new

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/02 15:10:42
Readers are exposed to an enormous number of new book releases each year of all genres and subgenres(fiction,reference,technical,art,religious,children,etc.).In this context,getting their attention while they are wandering in a library and stimulating their interest for a new release are issues of great importance for publishers.The study presented in this article used an experimental approach to examine the impact of five
variables on readers’ interest in a new book release:the reputation of the author,that of the publisher,the attractiveness of the book cover,the degree to which the cover represents the content of the book,and the
type of book (a novel or a technical book).The results showed that the first three variables had a statistically significant impact on readers’ interest.However,the effect of the author’s reputation was observed only in the case of books with a technical content.These findings are discussed and their implications for the marketing of new books are addressed.Getting people’s interest in a new book is an important issue for publishers.There are thousands of new book releases each year.In 2003,in the United States alone,there were 175,000 new titles
published (Bowker News Release,2004).Thus,the competition for consumers’ attention is fierce.What factors impact on people’s interest in a new book release?The experimental study presented in this paper was designed to address this managerially important question.
摘要的读者有机会接触到大量的新书发布每年对所有音乐和民谣(小说 参考,技术,艺术,宗教,儿童等) .在这方面,争取他们的注意,而他们是徘徊在图书馆,激发他们的兴趣,为一个新的释放问题 重视出版社.研究提出在这篇文章用实验方法研究的影响五变数对读者的阅读兴趣 在新书发表:声誉的作家,出版商 最大的吸引力是书的封面,在何种程度上的封面是内容的书籍,和类型的书籍(小说或一个技术图书) .结果表明,前三个变量具有显着影响读者的阅读兴趣.然而,影响了作者的声誉,被观察到的情况只是在书本与技术含量.这些结论的讨论,以及其对推销新书的解决.获得人民的利益出发,在一本新书,是一个重要的课题,出版商.有成千上万的新书发布每年.2003年,仅在美国,有175种新书出版( bowker新闻稿,2004年) .因此,为争夺消费者的注意也十分激烈.是什么因素影响着人民群众的利益,在一本新书释放?实验研究,给出的目的就是为了解决这个managerially重要问题