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新目标八年级下册期末复习提纲(二)units 6--10
Unit 6
Useful Expression
1. how long 多长时间了?
2. start class/skating/to skate 开始上课/滑冰
= begin class/skating/to skate
3. a skating marathon 一场滑冰马拉松
4. would like = ’d like 愿意、想要
5. run out of 跑完
6. by the way 顺便问一下
7. more than = over 超过
8. ever since 自从
9. raise money for charity 筹集善款
10. a pair of 一双
11. five and a half years 五年半
12. the whole five hours 整整五个小时
13. in Russian style 以俄罗斯的风格
Key sentences
1. Every hour they skate, each student raises ten yuan for charity.每位学生每溜冰一个小时就能为慈善事业筹到10元钱.
every 和each 都表示“每一个”,但every是指整体,each是指每个个体.
2. Next is Sam. 紧接着的是Sam.
3. Because we’ve run out of room to store them. 因为我们已经没地方存放他们了.
4. By the way, what’s your hobby? 顺便问一下,你有什么爱好?
5. I am interested in the job as a writer. 我对这份作家的工作感兴趣.
6. In fact, the first Jews probably came to Kaifeng more than a thousand years ago.事实上,首批犹太人可能是在一千多年前来到开封的.
7. The more I learn about Chinese history, the more I enjoy living in China. 我对中国历史了解的越多,我就越喜欢在中国生活.
8. Although I live quite far from Beijing, …. 虽然我住得离北京很远.
1. 现在完成进行时
(1) 结构:have/has + been + V.ing.
(2) 用法:表示从过去某一时刻开始,一直延续到现在且很有可能持续下去;
I’ve been doing the cleaning all this morning.
You’re late again! I’ve been waiting here for an hour.
I have been calling you several times in two days.
(3) 时间状语:all the time/this morning, since morning, all night,
this week/month, recently 等
(3) 对现在完成进行时的时间状语进行提问时使用how long.
How long have you been skating?
I’ve been skating since I was seven years old.
for 5 years old.
2. 现在完成进行时与现在完成时区别:
I have written a letter to my father.(到现在信已写完)我给我的父亲写了一封信.
I have been writing a letter to my father.(一直在写,现在还在写)我一直在给我的父亲写信.
再看:I wrote a letter to my father. 我给我的父亲写过一封信.

Unit 7
Useful Expression
1. turn down/up 调小/大(音量)
turn on/off 打开/关上(电源开关)
2. not at all 一点也不
3. right away = in a minute 立刻、马上
4. do/wash the dish 洗碗
5. get out of 出来
6. put on 穿上(动作)
wear 穿着(状态)
7. feed the dog 喂狗
keep the dog 养狗
8. return … to … 把…还给…
9. help sb. do/with sth. 帮助某人做某事
10. make posters 制作海报
11. a terrible haircut 一个糟糕的发型
12. have a long telephone conversation 褒电话粥
13. wait in line 排队
cut in line 插队
14. follow sb. around 跟在某人周围
15. get mad = get annoy = get angry 感到恼火
16. all the time 一直
17. complain about 抱怨…
18. be polite 有礼貌
19. try (not) to do sth. 尽力(不去)做某事
20. must be 一定是
21. keep down 保持音量
22. seem like 看上去像…
23. be allowed 被允许
24. even if/though 尽管、即使
25. take care = be careful 小心
26. in public places 在公众场合
in public 公开地,当众地
27. put out 熄灭
28. drop litter 乱丢垃圾
29. pick up 捡起、拾起

Key sentences
1. Would you mind turning down the music? 你介不介意把音乐声关小呢?
Would you mind (not) doing sth.? 你介不介意做(不做)…?
= Would/Could you please (not) do sth.? 请你做(不做)…好吗?
2. I won’t be long. 我一会就好.
3. The pen you bought didn’t work. 你买的那把笔坏了.
= The pen you bought wasn’t broken.
= There was something wrong with the pen you bought.
= Something was wrong with the pen you bought.
4. Here you are. 给你.
Here’s what they said. 以下是他们所说的.
5. I can’t stand it. 我无法忍受.
I can’t stand to see good food to waste. 我无法忍受看着好食物被浪费.
6. Could you please not follow me around? 请你不要跟着我四周好吗?
7. This happens to me all the time in the school library.
9. Would you mind keeping your voice down? 你介不介意把音量放小呢?
voice: 名词,指说话和唱歌地嗓音; talk in a loud voice 高声交谈
noise: 名词,指人们不愿听到地噪音;
sound: 名词,泛指自然界一切可以听到的声音.
10. For example, dropping litter is almost never allowed.
be allowed 被允许. “be + 动词的过去分词”是被动语态
Unit 8
Useful Expression
1. get her a scarf 送她一条围巾
2. compare with/to sth. …与…相比
3. not creative enough 不够有创意
4. easy/difficult to take care of 容易/难养活
5. these days 目前,现在
6. pot-bellied pig 大肚猪
7. spend with her 和她呆在一起
8. not … at all 根本不
9. fall asleep 入睡(动作)
be asleep 入睡(状态)
10. half way = halfway 半道、中途
11. different kinds of 不同种类
12. pay for 付款
13. from across China = from all over China 来自全中国
14. as … as 与…一样…
not as/so…as… 与…比不如其…
15. encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事
16. hear of 听说
17. make progress 取得进步
18. be able to = can 能够
19. have fun with sth. 做…有乐趣

Key sentences
1. Why don’t you get her a scarf? 为什么不给她买条围巾呢?
get sb. sth. for … 为了… 给某人买某物
= get sth. to sb. for…
注意:当sth. 是代词时,不可使用第二种用法.
2. That’s not interesting enough. 那不够有趣.
enough有两种词性:当它用来修饰形容词、副词时,作为副词,应放在所修饰的词之后,如上句;当它用来修饰名词时,应放在名词之后,如:I don’t have enough time to spend with her.
3. What’s the best gift (that) Joe has ever received? Joe曾经受到的最好的礼物
4. What a lucky guy! 幸运的家伙!
5. I think a dog is a good pet for a 6-year-old child. 我认为对于一个六岁的孩子一条狗会是一个好礼物.
6. Dogs are too difficult to take care of. 狗很难照料.
7. The trendiest kind of pet these days is the pot-bellied pig. 近来最流行的宠物是大腹便便的猪.
8. Life with a pig isn’t always perfect. 和一只猪在一起生活并不总是完美的.
9. Now she’s too big to sleep in the house. 现在她太大了不能睡在屋子里.
too… to …:太…以致于不能…
= so… that 主语 can’t ….
e.g. He is too young to go to school.
= He is so young that he can’t go to school.
= He isn’t old enough to go to school.
= He is very young and he can’t go to school.
注意:too…to…是一个简单句,而so…that…是一个复合句.并且当复合句中的主句主语和从句主语不同时,在句型中要用for sb.来表述.如:
The digital camera is so expensive that we can’t buy it.
= The digital camera is too expensive for us to buy.
= The digital camera isn’t cheap enough for us to buy.
= The digital camera is very expensive and we can’t buy it.
10. My shoes were really cheap. They only cost $5. 我的鞋子真的很便宜.只要花5美圆.
spend :花费(时间、金钱)主语为人.

1. Why don’t you get her a scarf?
= Why not get her a scarf? 为什么不给她买条围巾呢?
How/What about doing sth.? 做…怎么样呢?
How/What about + (a/an) + n.? …怎么样呢?
2. Would you mind (not) doing sth.? 你介不介意做(不做)…?
= Would/Could you please (not) do sth.? 请你做(不做)…好吗?
Unit 9
Useful Expression
1. hear of 听说
hear from 收到…的消息/来信
2. take a ride 兜风
3. end up 结束
4. argue with sb. 与某人争吵
5. roller coaster 过山车
6. a flight attendant 一个机组乘务员
7. in fact 事实上
8. all over the world 全世界
9. think about 考虑
think of 想起;认为
10. rather than 宁可;而不是
11. neither…nor… 既不…也不…
12. three quarters of 四分之三
13. for example 举个例子
14. such as 例如
15. on the one hand,… on the other hand,…. 一方面…,另一方面…
16. be asleep 睡着(状态)
fall asleep 睡着(动作)

Key sentences
1. Have you ever been to a water park? 你曾经去过水上公园吗?
No, I haven’t. 不,我没有.
Me neither. = Neither/Nor have I. 我也没有.
这是一个否定的省略句.它的结构是“ Neither/Nor + be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语”.而用在肯定的省略句中时要使用so,它的结构是“So+ be动词/助动词/情态动词”.如:
-- I paid 20 yuan for this book.
-- So did I.
2. The roller coaster is themed with Disney characters.
3. The boats take different routes, but they all end up in the same place.
4. It’s just so much fun in Disneyland.
5. It was because I could speak English that I got the job.
6. More than three quarters of the population are Chinese.
7. This is because the island is so close to the equator. So you can choose to go whenever you like. 就因为这个岛是如此接近赤道.所以只要你愿意你任何时候都可以去.

1. 现在完成时
(1) 用法:动作到现在已经完成或刚刚完成;
(2) 基本结构:have/has + V.过去分词
(3) 时间状语:already, yet, just, ever, never, once, twice, so far, ever since, for a long time, for + 一段时间, since + 过去的时间点/过去时的从句,等.
(4) 注意事项:
A. 现在完成时是现在的时态,重点表达目前的结果和状态;
B. 表示动作从过去开始持续到现在用for + 时间段, since +点时间连用.对for与since短语提问用how long.
C. 现在完成时从不与when引起的疑问句联用.
D. have been to:去过…
have gone to:去了…
have been in:呆在…
E. 短暂性动词变为延续性动词:
buy --- have had borrow --- have kept
join --- have been in / have been a member of
become --- have been a member make friends --- have been friends
die --- have been dead get to know --- have known
come/go to do --- have done catch a cold --- have had a cold
begin/start to do --- have done
begin / start --- have been on
enter / come / arrive / get to / reach --- have been in/at
go / leave for / set off / set out --- have been away from
2. since,for在现在完成(进行)时中的用法差异
(1) since 后接过去的时间点或一般过去时的从句.
He has been an English teacher since three years ago.
We have known each other since we came to study in this university.
(2) for后接时间段
He has lived here for three years.
3. 现在完成时与一般过去时的区别
现在完成时表示过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响和结果,强调的是现在的情况,所以它不能和表示过去的时间状语连用,如:yesterday, last night, three weeks ago, in 1990等.
He has lived here since 1992. 1992年以来他一直住在这里.(他现在还住在这里)
He lived here in 1992. 1992年他住在这里.(并不涉及他现在是否住在这里)

Unit 10
Useful Expression
1. forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事
forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事
2. look through 浏览
3. cross a busy street = go/walk across a busy street 穿过一条繁忙的街道
4. think of 想起、认为
5. come along 出现,发生
6. get along/on … with sb. 与某人相处的…
7. be friendly to sb. 对某人友好
8. have a birthday party 举办一个生日聚会
9. on Saturday night 在周六的晚上
10. at least 至少
11. at the school dining room 在学校的餐厅里

Key sentences
1. I hope so. 我希望如此.
so为代词,用来表示赞同前面所提及的内容.除了hope以外,还有think,believe,suppose,be afraid等,可与so连用.如:
Do you think it will rain this afternoon? 你认为下午会下雨吗?
I think/believe/suppose/hope/am afraid so. 我想/相信/猜/希望/恐怕会.
I don’t think so. 我不这么想.
I hope/suppose/am afraid not. 我希望/猜/恐怕不会这样.
2. How much did that shirt cost? 那件衬衫多少钱?
3. I feel like part of the group now. 现在我感觉像是他们中的一员了.
4. Friends like you make it a lot easier to get along in a new place. 有像你这样的一些朋友,使得我在新的地方很快就适应了.
