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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 07:27:04
A glance at the table provided reveals that per person travelled average distance and used mode of travel between 1985 and 2000 in Britain.
One particularly interesting fact highlighted by the figure is that to use car is the most distance of all modes between 1985 and 2000 that respectively were 3199 miles (M) and 4806 M.And the car travelled distance how increase is the most prominence.To changed scope were the taxi travelled distanced and there were increase more than 3 times how it ascend sharply from 13 M in 1985 to 42 M in 2000.Per person were travelled by train rise slowly from 289 M in 1985 to 366 M in 2000.And other model were used by English people grow gradual from 450 M to 585 M.
Walking covered the distance to be decline how it decrease steady from 255 M to 237 M.Bicycle can be travelled distance how it sink dramatically from 429 M to 274 M.In all model,local bus travelled distance to be descend that were the prominence that decline exponentially from 429 to 155 M.according this table,we can find that the vehicle cover the distance increase rapidly from 4740 M in 1985 to 6475 in 2000.
All in all,it is very clearly witnessed that in Britain,the people used model of travel what their changed information and average distance were distance by these model of travel.
A glance at the table provided【The table provided】 reveals that per【each/every】 person travelled average【of】 distance【distances】 and used mode of travel between 1985 and 2000 in Britain.
One particularly interesting fact highlighted by the figure【figures,肯定不是一个数字,应是一组数字,用复数】 is that to use【using此处用动名词】 car【cars】 is the most distance of all modes【词句你要表达什么意思?】 between 1985 and 2000 that respectively were 3199 miles (M) and 4806 M.【between 1985 and 2000,3199 meles (M) and 4806M respectively.数字直接做壮语,respectively一般用于它修饰的词后】 And the car travelled distance【复数.可数名词,要么复数要么前面有a、an,不能自己就出来了】 how increase is the most prominence【词句意思表达不清】.To changed【to 后面接动词原形】 scope were the taxi travelled distanced【词句句式语法不对,不清楚你的表达】 and there were increase more than 3 times how it ascend sharply from 13 M in 1985 to 42 M in 2000【and there was a sharp increase from 13 M in 1985 to 42 M in 2000】.Per person【Individuals】 were【去掉were】 travelled by train rise【2000是过去时,用动词过去式】 slowly from 289 M in 1985 to 366 M in 2000.And 【the number of因为你后面说的是数字变化,主谓要对应】other model【复数】 were【去掉were】 used by English people grow gradual【用副词gradually】 from 450 M to 585 M.
Walking covered the distance to be decline how it decrease【有it,动词用第三人称单数decreases】 steady【副词steadily】 from 255 M to 237 M.Bicycle can be travelled distance how it sink【sinks】 dramatically from 429 M to 274 M【how用的不对,没有图表,不知道你要描述什么】.In all model【复数models,有all】,local bus【同样,可数名词不能自己出来,buses】 travelled distance to be【去掉to be】 descend【descends】 【that were the prominence that decline exponentially 去掉】【此处加个逗号】from 429 to 155 M.according【according to固定搭配】 this table,we can find that the vehicle【复数vehicles】 cover【covering】 the distance increase【increased】 rapidly from 4740 M in 1985 to 6475 in 2000.
All in all,it is very clearly witnessed【此词去掉,多余】 that in Britain,the people 【直接用Britan people】used model【复数】 of travel what their changed information and average distance were distance by these model of travel【这句不知你要表达什么】.
In sum,有3点主要错误重复出现,造成意思表达不清: