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急!!!十个翻译句子,要用到括号里的词组,谢谢! 1.现在我们已经习惯了早睡早起(be used to) 2.别忘了一到

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/13 07:14:25
急!!!十个翻译句子,要用到括号里的词组,谢谢! 1.现在我们已经习惯了早睡早起(be used to) 2.别忘了一到就给我打个电话(as soon as) 3.医生允许他每天进行短距离的散步(allow sb to do sth) 4.我们把这幅画和那幅画做了一下比较(compare...with)
5.玩电脑游戏浪费时间(a waste of) 6.我过去每周都去看电影(used to) 7.不知道全部的实情,很难做决定(make a decision) 8.我希望你们能提出一个比这个更好的计划(come up with) 9.孩子们对打开礼物感到兴奋不已(be excited about) 10.吉姆总是看电视,在家里从不做家务(all the time)
we are used to going to bed early and getting up early. 再答: Don'n forget to call me as soon as you arrive
再答: Doctor allows him to walk a little everyday
再答: wo compare this picture with that picture
再答: playing computer games is a west of time
再问: 第四个错的,应该是过去式
再问: 第五个可以是It's a waste of time to play computer games.吗?
再答: 可以
再问: 谢谢!第六个我会,后面的不会,教教我!
再答: it's difficult to make a decision without knowing all truth
再答: l hope that you can come up with a plan better than this
再答: kids are.excited about openning gifts
再答: Jim watches TV all the time and he never do the chors around the house
再问: 你的回答完美的解决了我的问题,谢谢!
再答: 太难打了
再问: 其实你可以写下来再照
再答: 一直在玩手机 没想起