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英语翻译16、At first the Beatles were concerned mainly with young

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 14:48:49
16、At first the Beatles were concerned mainly with young men's personal problems
17、The children take to her and they become great friends,for she is young
enough to enjoy their fun and she is also mature enough to guide their
18、After he left school,he was off to New York,where he was going to take the big gamble and try to become a star
19、The triumph can't be lead without the struggle
20、There came a day when she won a race
21、Flowers and applause should be presented to losers as well as winners
22、What she got in return was all smiles,flowers and camera flash
23、The more she won,the more obsessed she was with the fear of losing
24、The pet dog waved her tail the moment she saw her owner coming towards her
25、I dare say it won't rain tomorrow
26、Is there anyone who dares to go winter swimming in such cold weather in our class
27、Time is limited,so we need another 10 people to help with the project
28、Who would you like to have do the job,Xiao Ming or Xiao Wang
29、Either you or he likes this color,but I don't
30、It is helpful for your health to eat vegetables
16 最开始甲壳虫乐队主要关注的是一些年轻男士的个人问题
17 孩子们和她成为好朋友,因为她很年轻,可以和他们尽情玩乐,她的成熟来引导他们的行为
18 离开学校后,他去了纽约,在哪里他下定决心成为一个明星
19 没有努力将不可能成功
20 那天她赢得了比赛
21 失败者和给胜利者都应该得到像话和掌声.
22 是什么让她再次拥有微笑,鲜花和闪光灯
23 得到越多,她越害怕失败
24 宠物狗摇着尾巴时她的主人走向她
25 我敢说明天一定不下雨
26 我们班谁敢在这么冷的天去冬泳
27 由于时间有限,我们需要另外派10个人去帮他们完成这个项目
28 谁来做这个工作,小明还是小王
29 虽然他们喜欢这个颜色,但是我不喜欢
30 吃蔬菜有助于健康