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关于朋友英语名次求关于英语的朋友的名词 要求分类下 就是普通朋友 认识的那种 和 密友 求单词来源以及意义

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 01:47:18
求关于英语的朋友的名词 要求分类下 就是普通朋友 认识的那种 和 密友 求单词来源以及意义
friend /frend; frnd/ n 1 person one knows and likes,but who is not a relation 朋友:He's my friend.他是我的朋友.* We are all good friends.我们都是好朋友.* I've known her for years,but she was never a friend.我认识她多年了,但成不了朋友.2 of/to sth helper,supporter,or patron of sth 某事物的帮助者、 支持者或赞助者:a friend of the arts/the poor 有助於艺术的人、 帮助贫民的人 * a friend of justice,peace,etc 维护正义、 和平等的人 * You are invited to become a Friend of the Bristol Hospice,ie to contribute money regularly.邀请您作布里斯托尔末期病人安养所的赞助人.3 person who is of the same country,group,etc as oneself; ally 同胞; 国人; 自己人; 同盟者:Who goes there friend or foe?谁在那里--是自己人还是敌人?* At last,among friends,he was free to speak his mind.他终於向自己人倾诉衷肠.4 thing that is very helpful or familiar 极有益或极熟悉的事物:Honesty has always been his best friend.忠实可靠一向使他受益匪浅.* Let's look it up in our old friend,the dictionary.让我们请教一下老朋友--字典吧.5 Friend member of the Society of Friends; Quaker (基督教)公谊会教友.6 (fml 文) person being addressed in public 在公开场合对人的称呼:Our friend from China will now tell us about her research.现在我们的中国朋友要向大家介绍她自己的研究情况.* Friends,it is with great pleasure that I introduce...朋友们,我很高兴地介绍...* My learned friend,ie used by a lawyer of another lawyer in a lawcourt 律师在法庭上的互称 * My honourable friend,ie used by a Member of Parliament to another Member of Parliament in the House of Commons 在下议院,国会议员间的互称.7 (idm 习语) be/make `friends (with sb) be/become a friend (of sb) 是[成为](某人的)朋友; 交朋友:They soon forgot their differences and were friends again,ie after a quarrel.他们不久就捐弃前嫌而重归於好.* David finds it hard to make friends (with other children).戴维觉得(与别的孩子)交朋友是很难的事.a ,friend in `need (is a ,friend in`deed) (saying 谚) a friend who helps one when one needs help (is a true friend) 患难之交(是真交).