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英语翻译Another case is that of Sheraton Auckland Hotel and Towe

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/13 22:57:43
Another case is that of Sheraton Auckland Hotel and Tower that calculated that daily washing of the bed clothes,towels,bath robes etc totals 35% of the amount of energy used by the laundry department,the other 65% being necessary for the drying process.The hotel management decided to change the washing temperature from 85oC to 65oC,thus saving 2000 $ for the electric energy.This has also led to a decrease of the pollution level of the used waters.
Lighting represents the second great energy consumer system in a hotel and most probably the easiest to adapt for a lower energy consumption.Sheraton Tacoma Hotel developed a project meant to replace incandescent light bulbs with flourescent ones (it has been proven that a flourescent light bulb produces four times more light per watt thant the incadescent light bulb and it lasts eight to ten times longer) by replacing 2000 incandescent lighting sources with flourescent four tubes light bulbs in the hotel rooms and in the lobby.The saving was up to 15000$,and the amortization period was 18 months.
Water Saving.Using excessive water represents a serious issue both for luxury hotels and for the hotels found in developing countries.A research made in Philipines has shown that in the first phases of evolution,Busuanga West Hotel used an amount of 1500 l per day for a single standard room.This amount represented the water equivalent used by 14 locals daily,on a regular basis .
另一个例子是Sheraton Auckland Hotel and Tower计算了每天洗床单、毛巾,浴巾等所消耗的能源中,35%用于洗,其他65%用于了烘干.酒店管理者决定将清洗的温度从85℃降为65℃,这节约了2000美金的电费.这也降低了使用水的污染程度.
照明是酒店第二大能源消耗系统,可能也是最容易改进以便节约能源消耗的系统.Sheraton Tacoma Hotel 开发了一套系统将白炽灯换为了荧光灯(已经证实了荧光灯每瓦产生的亮度是白炽灯的四倍,同时使用寿命是八倍)通过在酒店房间及大厅替换2000白炽灯为荧光灯,将节约多至15000美元,其偿还期限为18个月.(ps,个人理解,表达的意思是每18个月能节约大概15000美元)
节水.在豪华间以及在发展中国家的酒店的过度用水也是一个严重问题.菲律宾的一个研究结果证实,Busuanga West Hotel 的一个标准间使用1500L水每天,这大约是14个当地人的每天用水量.