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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/09 08:00:28
Yuan revaluation impact on foreign trade
In an open economic conditions,exchange rate changes on a country's economic development has a crucial importance.Since July 21,2005 Since the People's Bank announced that the RMB exchange rate reform,the RMB exchange rate against the U.S.dollar has been in a slow upward trend.This paper discusses the background and the appreciation of the RMB exchange rate changes and the relationship between export and import growth,combined with the economic status of China's foreign trade and current economic trends,analyzing the future revaluation of the yuan's foreign trade and economic effects of
1.RMB appreciation of the background and reasons for
The background of appreciation of the RMB
Since July 21,2005 Since the People's Bank announced that the RMB exchange rate reform,the RMB exchange rate against the U.S.dollar has been in a slow upward trend.January 4,2006 to 8.0702 yuan central parity rate started,the RMB exchange rate has gone up from a slow to the sprints,then to "buildup" process.Accordance with the December 29 exchange rate of 7.8087 U.S.Dollar terms,the renminbi has appreciated during the year 2615 basis points.
The reasons for the appreciation of yuan
There is pressure on the RMB exchange rate appreciation due to a complex international social,political and economic interests combines issues.Of international demands for yuan appreciation growing louder and louder,mainly based on lies in China's trade surplus and huge foreign exchange reserves.
Second,the RMB appreciation on the import and export trade impact analysis
China currency revaluation on the import of high proportion of foreign currency debt in terms of large-scale industries are long-term positive,but the export-oriented businesses,companies with high foreign currency assets,a greater impact,especially in textiles,garments,agricultural products processing,low value-added,low-margin export sector a greater negative impact.
(A) appreciation of the renminbi on the beneficial effects of China's import and export trade
1.Is conducive to reducing the cost of imported goods.
2.Conducive to the promotion of trade structure optimization and upgrading.
3.Will help improve the welfare of citizens
(B) appreciation of the renminbi against the adverse effects of China's import and export trade
1.Undermine the international competitiveness of China's exports is not conducive to China's foreign trade export growth.
2.Renminbi appreciation will increase imports of foreign products,increased competition in the domestic market.
3.For China's export industries and traditional industries can cause a serious impact.
英语翻译人民币升值对外贸影响在开放经济条件下,汇率的变动对一国经济的发展有着至关重要的意义.自从2005年7月21日中国 汇率变化好比一柄“双刃剑”,对经济、金融有利有弊.权威人士认为,如果人民币盲目升值,将对中国的经济、金融产生较大的负面影 2012年3月21日人民币对美元的汇率基本价为630元,自2005年我国汇率制度改革以来,人民币已累记升值了20... 英语翻译自2005年7月21日人民币汇率改革以来,人民币兑美元的汇率走势基本上是在不断升值的.我们认为,2007年人民币 自2005年7月21日我国实施汇率制度改革以来,人民币对美元已累计升值了约31%,如果2012年人民币对美元的汇率中间价 英语翻译几年来,人民币一直保持上升趋势.人民币的升值对中国的经济造成不可避免的影响.浙江企业作为中国经济的重要组成部分, 用总需求-总供给模型说明,在开放经济中,总需求的变动对宏观经济有什么影响? 人民币汇率变动对经济的影响? 英语翻译人民币国际化进程对我国经济的影响摘 要在经济金融日益全球化的今天,掌握一种国际货币的发行权对于一国经济的发展具有 英语翻译旅游纪念品作为旅游商品的核心内容,对当地旅游经济的发展产生至关重要的影响,随着郑州旅游业的快速发展,游客对当地旅 外汇汇率的升值对进口商品国内价格的影响是上涨还是降低,主要问题是外汇汇率的升值是人民币升值还是贬值? 并分析说明,1.通常情况下,汇率的变动会对一国的经济产生影响.对此,下列说法正确的是A.外汇汇率升高,外币币值下降,本国