作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 16:25:59
1、Both of us are __and they are all__.
A.Chineses,English men B.Chinese,English man
C.Chinese, English men D.Chinese,English mans
2、This is a __report.
A.three-thousand-words B.three-thousand-word
C.three-thousands-words D.three-thousands-word
3、What a lot of__I have to finish today!
A.works B.work C.job D.workings
4、Is there enough__for me in the car?
A.place B.rooms C.space D.spaces
5、I'll need__about the climate before I make a final decision.
A.a few information B.a few informations
C.a little information D.a little informations
6.Tables are made of__.
A.wood B.woods C.a wood D.the wood
7.Father went to his doctor for __about his heart trouble.
A.an advice B.advice C.advices D.the advices
8.All of the people here are__.
A.maths teachers Bmath's teachers
C.maths teacher D.maths'steachers
9.Jack is one of her__.
A.boys friends B.boy frineds
C.boy friend D.boys friend
10.Miss Smith is a friend of __.
A.Mary's mother's B.Mary's mother
C.mother's of Mary D.Mary mother's
11.It is __for me to speak here.
A.an honor B.the honor C.my bonor D.great honor
12.__here are helpful.
A.The policeman B.Police
C.Policenmen D.The police
13.Here__a new pair of shoes for you.
A.are B.is C.have D.has
14.He said that two__would come to our village the next day.
A.man's doctor B.men doctors
C.men's doctor D.men doctor
15.__is the largest of the continents of the world.
A. An Asia B.Asia c.A Asia D.The Asia
1.C Chinese表示中国人,没有单复数变化 English men 英国人,有单复数变化
2.B 连字符里面的名词用单数形式 three thousand .,thousand后面不加s
3.B work做工作讲时是抽象名词,不可数 works表示作品
4.C space表示空间,抽象名词不用复数
5.C information为不可数名词,不加S
6.A 用木材做的,wood前面不加冠词
7.B go to sb. for advice,advice为集合名词,不用加s
8.A maths teachers数学老师,复数的s加在中心词teacher上
9.B boy friends男朋友,复数加在中心词朋友上
10.A 表示玛丽妈妈的朋友中其中一个,最后的's记得不要漏掉
11.D hornor是不可数的抽象名词,前面零冠词
12.D the police表示警察这个整体,不是单指哪一些
13.B 单复数取决于a pair
14.B 和women teachers一个道理,两个名词都要变复数
15.B Aisa是专有名词,不要加冠词