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英语翻译The democratization of knowledge production and use Ethi

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 14:43:34
The democratization of knowledge production and use
Ethical fairness in the benefits of the knowledge generation process
An ecological stance toward society and nature
Appreciation of the capacity of humans to reflect,learn,and change
A commitment to nonviolent social change
It is intended to uncover or produce information and knowledge that will be directly useful to a group of people
It is meant to enlighten and empower the average person in the group,motivating them to take up and use the information gathered in the research
From this approach,the primary goal was to test a particular intervention based on a pre-specified theoretical framework.
The researcher serves as a collaborator and a facilitator for the practitioner,while the practitioner brings information from the research to his or her clients
The researcher identifies a problem after collaborating with the practitioner,and then provides information to this practitioner who facilitates its implementation with the group
The researcher and the practitioner come together and collaboratively potential problems and issues,their underlying causes,and possible interventions.
This sort of “practical action research”seek to improve practical-and-service delivery of the practitioner through application of the “personal wisdom of the participants”.
The communication flow in this mode of action research starts with the research and facilitators working collaboratively ,and then flows from the practitioner to the group of stakeholders
This mode of action research “promotes emancipatory praxis in the participating practitioners; that is,it promotes a critical consciousness which exhibits itself in political as well as practical action to promote change”
The first goal is an attempt to increase the closeness between the day-to-day problems encountered by practitioners in specific settings,and the theories used to explain and resolve the problem.
The second goal is to assist to practitioners in lifting their veil of clouded understandings,and help them to better understand fundamental problems by raising their collective consciousness
It is actually the coming together of theory and enlightenment that provides the emancipation and empowerment to the participants ,that leads to action and change.
这种 " 实际的行动研究 " 寻求改善实际的-和-服务经过 " 叁加者的个人智能 " 的申请的开业者的递送.
在行动研究开始的这一个模态中的沟通流程以研究和服务商协同合作地工作 ,然后对群保管赌注的人源自开业者
行动研究的这一个模态 "在叁加开业者中促进解放的习惯; 那是,它促进在政治上又实际的行动展现它本身的一个紧要关头的意识促进变化"
它实际上理论和提供释放和赋与权能给叁加者的启迪一起是来临 ,哪一至行动和变化的领引.