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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 10:08:03
为方便外国留学生使用学校资源.图书馆打算招聘一批英语能力好的同学做图书管理员志愿者.请用英文暗下面条件写通知:1.高一高二都可以,优先考虑阅读爱好者.2.知识面广,有优秀英文沟通能力.3.具有一定西方文化知识.并能向读者简单介绍中国文化.4.工作热情.尽职尽责.能平衡日常学习与志愿者工作的关系.5.感兴趣的同学可到团委办公室报名.截止时间2010年5月6日.开头已给出.如下:the school library is now planning to recruit a number of volunteers as student librarians.the requirements of a volunteer are as follows.
The school library is now planning to recruit a number of volunteers as student librarians.the requirements of a volunteer are as follows.
1. Junior1 and junior 2 students are accpected, those who are intersted in reading will be considered in advance.
2. Have a large feild of knowledge and the ability of communication in English.
3. Have a certain knowledge of western culture and can introduce the Chinese culture to readers.
4. Always working in powers and passion and have the responsibility. Can balcance the relations of study and voluteering work.
5. If you have interest in it, you can come to the office of Youth League committee. It will be due to 6th May, 2010.