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translate this to chinese --part 2

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 14:10:58
translate this to chinese --part 2
5.Return of Confidential Information.All documents and other tangible objects containing or representing Confidential Information and all copies thereof that are in the possession of Recipient or any of its Representatives will be and remain the property of the Company,and,upon the Company’s request,Recipient will return or destroy all documents and other tangible objects containing or representing Confidential Information and all copies thereof,erase any such Confidential Information from Recipient’s computer systems,and,if requested by the Company,provide written confirmation of such return or destruction and erasure to the Company.
6.No License.No party grants a license,right or option under any patent,copyright,trademark,mask work or equivalent intellectual property right with respect to its Confidential Information to the other party by virtue of this Agreement.
7.Injunctive Relief.Recipient agrees that any violation or threatened violation of this Agreement will cause irreparable injury to the Company,entitling such party to obtain injunctive relief in addition to all other legal remedies that may be available to it.
8.Additional Provisions.This Agreement binds and inures to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns.This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota,without reference to conflicts-of-law principles.This document contains the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the nondisclosure of information.Any failure to enforce any provision of this Agreement does not constitute a waiver thereof or of any other provision hereof.This Agreement may not be amended,nor any obligation waived,except by a writing signed by both parties hereto.Each party represents and warrants to the other that this Agreement has been duly authorized,executed,and delivered by it.
The parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above.
5 .返回的机密资料.所有文件和其他有形物体含有或代表的机密资料,以及所有相关拷贝是在拥有人或其任何代表会和保持财产的安全公司,并在该公司的请求,受赠人将返回或销毁所有文件和其他有形物体含有或代表的机密资料,以及所有相关拷贝,擦除任何此类机密资料,由受赠人的计算机系统,而且,如果要求该公司提供的书面确认这种回报或销毁,并擦除该公司.
6 .没有执照.没有党的赠款许可,权利或选择在任何专利,版权,商标,口罩工作,或具同等学历知识产权方面的机密资料交给另一方凭借这项协议.
7 .禁令救济.受赠人同意,任何违反或威胁违反本协议,将造成无法弥补的伤害,该公司有权在这种党获得禁令救济除了所有其他法律补救措施,可提供给它.
8 .附加条款.这项协议具有约束力和生效日以有利于各方,以及各自的继承人及受让人.这项协议是由该州的法律制定的明尼苏达州,而不提矛盾加剧的法律原则.本文件包含整个当事人之间的协议作出了保密的资料.任何不执行本协议的任何规定,并不构成放弃或任何其他条款.本协定不得更改,也没有任何义务豁免,除非由写经双方签署后.各党代表及认股权证向其他,这个协议已经得到了应有的认可,执行和交付.