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英语翻译Technical aspects of electronic commerce,its complexity

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 06:23:58
Technical aspects of electronic commerce,its complexity and the characteristic of
network externalities should change the way that developing countries approach the external
negotiating process.Specifically,the complexity of negotiations will require more cooperative effort among countries through their regional forums (APEC,FTAA) which heretofore have operated at the periphery of the WTO process.Second,since electronic commerce is characterized by network externalities,developing countries should take advantage of the technical leadership coming out of the private sector in the most advanced countries (and their own private sector,even if nascent) and “draft” in behind.Standing on the shoulders of giants makes sense when network externalities and interoperable standards are key to maximizing the benefits of e-commerce.Trying to develop domestic standards or following the old technique of import substitution to develop a domestic industry is even more economically wasteful in the context of the internet and electronic commerce than it was in more traditional sectors.
谈判进程.具体来说,复杂的谈判将需要更多的合作努力,国家间通过各自的区域论坛(亚太经济合作组织,美洲自由贸易区) ,其中在此之前,运作在外围的入世进程.其次,由于电子商务的特点是网络外部性,发展中国家应利用这一技术领导走出来的私营部门,在最先进的国家(和他们自己的私营部门,即使新生)和"草案"在后面.站在肩膀上的巨人是有道理的,当网络外部性和互操作的标准,关键是最大限度地利用电子商贸.试图开拓国内标准或以下的旧技术的进口替代,以发展国内产业,更是经济上的浪费,在这个背景下的互联网及电子商业的比它在较为传统的行业.