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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 07:50:08
中国大约有五千多年历史,是一段很长的时间.此外,中华文明的成长与时间的这些时期内,将继续比以往任何时候都大.这一时期,许多战争是发生了.尽管时间过去了,历史和文明都没有通过.这些家庭美德,认真的,工作态度,正义感和伟大的儒家传统已经深入到人民同化.一些中国的传统和北美洲的传统不一样.中华文化有许多是非常有趣的学习特点.China has about five thousand years history which is a very long period of time.Also,the Chinese civilization was growing with these periods of time and it will continues greater than ever.Many wars were happening during this period.Although,the time has passed,the histories and the civilizations have not passed.These family virtues,serious,working attitudes,sense of justice and the great Confucian tradition have been deeply assimilated into the Chinese people.Some Chinese traditions are different from North American’s.The Chinese culture has many special characteristics which are very interesting for people to learn.