作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 16:48:16
一、 单选题1.Many new ________ will be opened up in the future for those with a university education.A、opportunitiesB、realitiesC、necessitiesD、abilities2.All visitors are requested to________ to the regulations.A、agreeB、approveC、obeyD、conform3.It was unwise of him to________ the unreliable figures in his speech.A、refer toB、add toC、take toD、put to4.People of different________ may behave in different ways when dealing with risks.A、feelingsB、moodsC、personalitiesD、interests5.________rights are less important compared with the rights of the whole society.A、IndividualB、IndependentC、IncompleteD、Intelligent6.The flowers are __________ full __________.A、in...seasonB、in...bloomC、of...bloomD、out...bloom7.Children should be __________ from the river.A、kept upB、kept awayC、kept withD、kept in8.__________,the House had become the great obstacle to progress.A、Of my opinionB、In my opinionC、In the opinionD、My opinion9.The soap is on sale everywhere.You can get it at ________shop.A、someB、anyC、eachD、certain10.one of the famous _______ in USA is Bill Gates.A、industriousB、industriesC、industrializationD、industrialists11.I don't know if the story is true,but I'll try to _________it.A、identifyB、confirmC、promiseD、verify12.Please do what I tell you,_________ you will be punished.A、on the wayB、or soC、or elseD、in no way13.They did not find ___________to prepare for the worst conditions they might meet with.A、it worthB、worth it whileC、it worthwhileD、worthy14.The World Bank has decided to make a further _________ of $20 million for the developing countries.A、lendB、borrowC、turnoverD、loan15.We took _____ of the opportunity to express our thanks.A、advantageB、benefitC、careD、profit16.Nobody knows how the ________ Egyptians built the Pyramid?A、oldB、out-datedC、oddD、ancient17.He was dismissed because of ________ reasons.A、variousB、variableC、varietyD、vary18.Buses between the 2 cities leave ________ regular intervals.A、atB、inC、amongD、off19.There were 5 people injured,2 students _________ .A、includedB、includingC、is includedD、is including20.He lost his job ________ his big mistake.A、as a result ofB、becauseC、as a resultD、results in
1-5 ADACB 6-10 ABBBD 11-15 BCCAA 16-20DAAAA
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