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英语翻译Inclined Tool Very often,ballnose cutters are being used

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 00:37:32
Inclined Tool
Very often,ballnose cutters are being used.In three-axis operation,ballnose cutters have the disadvantage that they are supposed to do part of their milling work with the tip,where the cutting speed is zero.For this reason,many machines offer the ability to incline the tool in one or two axes so that the tool always cuts with its side,thus warranting a nearly constant cutting speed.The compensation of the machine kinematics,as well as the tool offset in space within the CNC,permit the use of any tool orientation without affecting the part program.In this case,the control executes the same calculations as if the machine had five axes.Machines with five simultaneous axes allow machining of the part with a constant inclination of the tool,which is being kept constant in relation to the surface.Again,the control compensates for the tool dimensions for any type of tool and any inclination angle.The inclination angle can be set using the handwheel and the tool center point function.
If the part is strongly modeled--that is,exhibits surface areas of different average slopes--the control allows the machining of entire zones with a similar surface orientation using a certain inclination of the tool,and then change to a different zone with a different orientation.In order to define the zone,the operator can use the handwheel to move the tool to the boundaries and store them in the control with the teach-in function.Afterwards,the control takes the original part program and "filters out" only the portions of the surface within the zone.By the same token,repaired patches on the surface can be re-machined,and areas can be left unmachined if required.Up to three zones can be defined as "no entry" or "no exit" zones and combined logically.Instead of establishing the zones through teach-in,they can also be defined using points in space within a standard part program.This way,they can be generated directly on the CAD/CAM system.This function is particularly valuable on high speed machines,where idle time waiting for an altered part program can be saved.The zoning function allows an instantaneous change of the machining process without the need for a new part program.
倾斜工具往往ballnose刀具正在使用.三轴操作,ballnose刀具有劣势,他们所应该做的一部分,其铣削工作的冰山,当切削速度为零.为此,许多机器提供能力倾斜工具在一个或两个轴,使刀具始终削减 同其副作用,因此值得接近恒切削速度.补偿的机床运动学,以及对冲工具,在空间的数控加工,允许使用任何工具取向影响的部分节目.在这种情况下,控制执行的,同样的计算方法,因为如果机器有五个轴.机器五联动加工允许的部分有不断倾斜的工具,正在维持不变,就浮出水面.再次,控制补偿刀具尺寸的任何类型的工具,而任何倾角.倾角可以利用手和刀具中心点的功能.如果是部分参照强烈,那就是-- 展品表面不同的地区,平均斜坡--允许控制加工的整个地区具有类似表面取向使用 一个倾向性的工具,然后换了不同的区,不同的取向.为了界定区 运营商可以使用手动议工具的界限,并存放于他们的控制 该教功能.接着,以控制原计划的一部分和"过滤器" ,只有部分表面在区内.出于同样的原因,修复补丁的表面,可再加工,以及区内可以离开基准面如果需要.截至三区可界定为"不得入内"或" 1275 "区,并结合逻辑.与其设立的,通过带教,也可以定义利用站内空间的一个标准部分节目.这样,他们可以直接在CAD / CAM系统.这种功能尤为珍贵的高速机器,凡闲置时间等待变造的部分程序,可以节省很多.分区功能允许一个瞬时变化的加工过程,而不需要一个新的部分节目.