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100分求翻译一段话Soviet observers who inspected the ruins of Hirosh

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 02:58:18
Soviet observers who inspected the ruins of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as well as those who witnessed the 1946 Bikini tests, found the power of the new weapon awesome, but they did not regard it as so powerful as to render war itself, or the possibility of sui-viva In war, obsolete. Some Americans who saw the evidence first-hand came to similar conclusions. Nitze, for example, noted that earlier firebomb raids against Tokyo and other cities had been at least as devastating: the significance of atomic bombs lay in their efficiency, not their implications for the future of warfare.Moreover, widely dispersed Soviet targets would hardly resemble those in Japan. Holloway has pointed out that during the first four months of the war with Germany in 1941, the Russians had sustained casualties and physical destruction exceeding the Americans' estimates of the damage all their approximately 200 atomic bombs in 1949 could have produced. Soviet intelligence at the time, it appears, made similar calculations.