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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/13 06:11:29
‘Oh , you rude , horrible man ,reminding me of that again ! she said . but he only laughed at her .
The older men and women in Atlanta did not like Rhett , but they agreed that he was brave . but when they told him this , he replied that he was as frightened as the “ brave boy “ who were fighting . this annoyed them because everyone knew there wasn’t a cowardly Confederate soldier anywhere . He always said “our brave boys” or “our heroes in grey “ , but made it sound like an insult . and when young ladies thanked him for being one of the heroes who fought for them , he smiled and said that he would do the same thing for Yankee women if the Yankees paid him enough money .
At an evening of music at Mrs Elsing’s home , Rhett was talking with a group of men when Scarlett heard an angry voice arguing with him , ‘ are you saying ,sir ,that the Cause for which our heroes are dying is not sacred ?
‘ All wars are scared to those who have to fight them , ’ replied Rhett , in a bored and lazy voice . ‘ If the people who started wars didn’t pretend they were sacred , who would be foolish enough few people realize it . their ears are too full of fine words from stay – at – home speakers . ‘
And before Scarlett could reach him , he was leaveing .
‘ Let him go ‘ said mrs Elsing , holding her arm . he’s not one of us . he’s a snake- in –the- grass who we were foolish enough to invite into our homes !
Later , Mrs Merriwether rode home in aunt Pitty’s carriage . and immediately said what she thought . ‘ He insulted us all and the Confederacy , to . ‘ she said . ‘saying that we were fighting for money ! Saying that our leaders have lied to us ! Pitty ,you must never let that man into your house again ! ‘ She turned to Scarlett and Melanie . ‘ And I don’t want to hear you two girls specking to him again – Melanie , what’s the matter ? ‘
Melanie was white and her eyes were wide open . ‘ I will speak to him again , ‘ she
Said in a low voice . ‘ I will not be rude to him . I will not tell him to stay away from the house. ‘
Mrs Merriwether’s mouth fell open , and Aunt pitty’s did the same . Uncle Peter turned to stare.
‘ Now why didn’t I say that ? ‘ thought Scarlett .
Melanie’s hands were shaking but she went on quickly . ‘ I’m won’t be rude to him because of what he said , because it’s- it’s what Ashley thinks . ‘
‘Melanie Hamilton , that’s a lie !’ said mrs Merriwether . ‘there was never a Wilkes who was a coward – ‘
‘ I never said Ashley was a cowaed, ‘ said Melanie. ‘ I said he thinks what Captain Butler thinks , and he does . But he says it differently . In his letters , Ashley says we should not be fighting the Yankees . he says War isn’t wonderful or sacred or any of those
things , it’s just dirty and useless and a terrible waste of men’s lives . ‘
‘Oh ,you rude ,horrible man ,reminding me of that again !she said .but he only laughed at her .“你这个粗鲁可怕的男人,又对我提起那件事!”她说.但是他只是对她一笑置之.
“所有的战争对于那些必须去为之战斗的人来说都是神圣的,” Rhett用一种厌倦慵懒的声音回答道,“如果挑起战争的人不去把战争伪装成神圣的,就不会有人去战斗,他们没有那么愚蠢.他们只听到了人们对他们的赞美.” 没等Scarlett走近他,他便离开了.
“让他走吧,” Elsing女士抓住她的胳膊说,“他跟我们不是一路人,他是只草蛇,把他请来实在是个愚蠢的错误.”
过了一会儿,Meerriwether太太乘坐Pitty阿姨的马车回到了家.一进门她就说出了她的想法:“他是在侮辱我们所有人还有我们的盟军.”她说,“他竟然说我们是为了钱财而战!说我们的统领对我们撒了谎!Pitty,不许你再让那个男人再踏进你家半步!” 然后她转过来对Scarlett和Melanie说:“我不想看到你们二人再与他来往——Melanie,发生什么事了?”
Melanie脸色苍白,她睁大了眼睛说:“我会跟他继续来往,”她低声说,“我不会对他无礼.我不会告诉他让他远离我们家.” Merriwether太太和Pitty阿姨都惊讶得张大了嘴巴.Peter叔叔也转过身来盯着她.
"为什么我没有那么说呢?" Scarlett想.
“Melanie Hamilton,Ashley在撒谎!” Merriwether太太说,“Wilkes (应该就是Ashley)绝对不是个胆小鬼——”
“我从来没有说Ashley是胆小鬼,” Melanie说,“我只是说他的想法跟Butler上尉的想法一样,确实是这样.但是他不是这么说的.他在信里说,我们不应该与扬基人作战.他说战争不是人们所说的那样好那样神圣,不是那样的,战争是肮脏的是没有用的,那只是对人们生命的残酷践踏.”