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英语翻译Born in 1775 in the Hampshire countryside,she was the se

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 16:53:49
Born in 1775 in the Hampshire countryside,she was the seventh child in a family of eight.Her father,George Austen,was a clergyman; the family was middle class and comfortably off.Jane Austen was educated at home and never lived apart from her family.She started writing novels for her family as a young teenager; even at that age her works were incisive and elegantly expressed.The attractive,lively and witty young woman much loved and respected by family and friends,never married,although she had received several proposals of marriage,and lived an uneventful life,happy to remain in the family home.Like many geniuses,Jane Austen died relatively young.She developed Addison’s disease and died in 1817 in Winchester,at the age of 41.
Jane Austen’s six complete adult novels were written in two distinct periods:
First period (1796 - 1798):Sense and Sensibility (1811),the story of two sisters and their love affairs; Pride and Prejudice (1813); Northanger Abbey (1818),a satire on the highly popular Gothic romances of the late 18th century.
Second period (started in 1811):Mansfield Park (1814),Emma (1816) and Persuasion (1818),all three deal with the romantic entanglement of their strongly characterized heroines Jane Austen’s brilliantly witty,elegantly structured satirical fiction marks the transition in English literature from 18th-century neo-classicism to 19th-century romanticism.
Her works are satirical comedies about the middle and upper-middle classes.The plots are variations on a standard theme:a young woman’s courtship and eventual marriage.By the end of every one of Austen’s novels the heroine has found a husband.The world she describes is small.
Because of her sensitivity to universal patterns of human behavior,Austen has been regarded by many critics as one of the greatest of all novelists.
Austen was a very careful writer and revised her novels many times.She writes clearly and incisively,with great wit.Few writers combine this,as she does,with needle-sharp observation of human behavior.The stories flow and are easy to read; she needs only a few words and the character lives on the page.Her dialogue is unequalled.