作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 17:44:52
51.my dream job 我理想的工作
52.find a part-time job 寻找一份兼职
53.save money 省钱
54.at the same time 同时
55.hold art exhibitions/ have fashion shows 举办展览会
56.travel all over the world 去世界各地旅游
57.have a quick breakfast = have breakfast quickly 很快的吃早饭
58.learn to play an instrument 学习乐器
59.become rich and famous 变得有钱有名
60.do a survey of 做调查
61.keep fit =keep healthy =keep in good health=stay healthy 保持健康
62.find a job as a foreign language teacher 找一个做外语老师的兼职
63.exchange student 交换的学生
64.go bike riding 骑自行车旅行
65.do the dishes 洗盘子
66.do the laundry 做家务
67.sweep the floor 扫地
68.take out the trash 丢垃圾
69.clean the living room 清理客厅
70.make the /one’s bed 整床铺
71.fold the clothes 叠衣服
72.go to a meeting 开会
73.get a ride 搭车
74.work on 忙于,从事
75.buy drinks and snacks 买饮料和小吃
76.feed my dog 喂我的狗
77.borrow ---from---- 从---借
78.lend --- to ---把—借给---
79.agree with sb 同意...
80.disagree with sb 不同意...
81.take (good) care of =look after—well 照顾...
82.radio station 广播站
83.close to 靠近
84.have friendly service 友好服务
85.comfortable seats 舒服的位子
86.good quality clothes 高质量的衣服
87.movie theater = cinema 电影院
88.clothing store 服装店
89.give me some advice给我些建议
90.get together聚在一起
91.brown bread;黑面包
92.Forbidden City故宫
93.not --- at all 一点也不
94.the capital of --- 的首都
95.Library of Congress国会图书馆
96.the Great Depression大萧条
97.my elder sister我的姐姐
98.ice hockey冰球
99.on the frozen pond在结冰的池塘上
100.table manners 餐桌规矩