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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 16:26:20
It has given me such good feelings to have made the acquaintance of you in this season .Your amicable and friendly smiling face make me so unforgettable in my mind .Your smile always keeps my heart so warm every time you give us a lesson.
Having made your acquaintance in this season ,I felt so good ,Your face who is smiling and kind and friendly impressed me with an unforgettable sentiments in my heart,every time you are having lessons in class,My heart is made so warm with your smiling faces.
I felt so good to have been acquainted with you in this season ,Your affable and amicable smiling face is so difficult for me to forget in my heart.Every time you are giving us a lesson ,Your smile face always keep my heart so warm..
I was highly exhilarated to have met you in this special season.The affable and amicalbe smile face you have released make it so difficult /hard for me to forget from my memory .Every time you are teaching us lessons,your smiling face always give warmth to my deep heart..
I am much glad to have been acquainted with you in this special season.Your affable and and friend smile face has left an unforgettable impression on my deep heart .Your smiling face always warms my heart when you are giving us a lesson .
英语翻译圣诞节准备送贺卡,写一段话“在这个寒冷的冬日与你相识是我的荣幸,你让我感觉很温暖,祝你圣诞快乐”,求大神翻译成英 英语翻译这个梦让我醒来后久久不能遗忘,我心有余悸.唯一让我觉得温暖的,是你在梦里吻了我,这个吻很长,以致让我分不清它究竟 英语翻译我那天很好对不起,我没有帮到你.能够和你相识一场,是我的缘分.那次事件,对你实在太大影响了.身为你的朋友,我竟然 烛光中你的笑容,温暖的让我感动,是什么歌里的歌词 英语翻译偷偷喜欢你,默默在你身后守侯的我,多想看你不经意的笑容虽然我的心你不懂,但我会努力让你感动就算我知道我会永远只是 用英语翻译:你的话语让我在这个寒冷的冬天感到温暖 英语翻译我知道,我会将你摆喺个心度.我唔知我对你仲有D咩,祗知道那感觉是淡淡的、平静而温暖. 这个不眠夜,谁,能伸出你那温暖的手.让我忘却那段痛苦. 英语翻译最感谢你的的出现,让我不再感到寂寞和彷徨,只要有你陪在我的身边,仿佛一切都无所谓,每次看你微笑,都是最幸福的甜蜜 英语翻译操场上我有偷偷找你的身影.上课时我有在偷偷看你 当看到你往这边看的时候我会马上看别的地方..和你擦肩而过的时候我 英语翻译我永远也不会忘记维尼熊的微笑,他那暖暖的微笑会给与我力量,让我也暖暖的.维尼,你是目前为止这世界上唯一一个能在我 你微笑着,对我说些无关紧要的话,但我觉得,我久久等待的,正是这个.