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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 12:06:42
求至少语法无太多错误··· ·
水是万物所需.但是水的污染却原来越严重.我觉得市长是否能规划水源附近的工厂,并且在水源附近种树,减少污染. 一方面可以让环境变好,另一方面可以让绿色充满我们的世界
Dear mayor
I would like to put forward /come up with my point of view with regard to the environmental problems which are existing in our city. I hope that you can understand my proposals.
Water is what everything needs ,but the water pollution is getting more and more serious. My advice is whether mayor could make a plan about factories that are close to the water source and plant some trees to reduce the pollution. one hand is to make environment beautiful , on the other hand is to make the green fill our world.
除此之外,市长应该规定每年砍伐树的数量,防止土地变沙地.如果没有天空中蓝色,我们将容易得病.我想知道市长能否督促工厂有过滤气体设备. 我还有一个小建议,规定商家使用白色塑料袋数量,遏制白色垃圾过多.
In addition to that , Mayor should stipulate the number of the trees which are felled every year in order to prevent the land from becoming the sand. If there is no azure in the sky , we will be so easy to be sick . I want to know if mayor can exhort/urge the factories to install the equipments which are used to filter the gas . I have one more small advice that producers are required to the number of making use of the white plastic bags so as to keep down the excessive white rubblish.
What I want to say is the above-mention contents. I sincerely hope that my cordial suggestion can be take into great consideration .