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should we take a part-time job?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 07:35:35
should we take a part-time job?
As for a student,the only one source of study,textbook,is
far from enough.Complaints about the lack of practical skills
are constantly heard from the society towards fresh graduates.
Without work experience seems to be the case of isolation from
the reality.The best way to fill up the blank is to have a
part-time job during school life.However,in my opinion,not
all types of part-time jobs are appropriate for us.Choices
should be made under such aspects as time,value and
interests.Nothing is perfect.Once you derive something,you
have to pay for it.Judgments and decisions are what we always
want to make.
To begin with,time is the first factor which should be taken
into consideration when we start looking for a part-time job.
As you know,we have several courses covering each week at
different time sections.Time allocation is required to be
made in advance.Hasty decisions to take a job at the expense
of classes will definitely ruin your life.After all,study is
the major task for a student.One cannot succeed without a
solid foundation.Otherwise,even when you communicate with
social people will you find nothing to talk about.I have ever
met a lot of students crazy for their part-time jobs by
skipping classes,even for consecutive days as a result of
failure of passing examinations or even attaining a diploma.
Well,nothing or not totally rests on people individually.
Next,value may be regarded as the most important factor for
determination of a job.Various types of part-time jobs are
available yet selection should be made on a value basis.What
is called “valuable”?Let’s take an example.Bar girls earn a
lot of money whereas not too much benefit will be had on them.
What they capitalized on is their youth,beauty and smiles but
not on their brains too often.If only for the sake of money,
they are successful and satisfied by achieving their
objective.On the contrary,time has been consumed and efforts
have been made whereas nothing makes sense in some people’s
eyes.What they pursue for is a real combination of knowledge
and application,what they desire for is skill improvements of
all ranges and what they aim at is better understanding of
what they have learned.Those are desires in spirit rather
than in material,which are more difficult to satisfy.As far
as I am concerned,I would like to look for jobs which can
benefit me in such aspects as communication skills,practical
operation,thinking and flexibility.As a sales,sound
interpersonal skill is required while being an administrative
assistant,good organizing skill is a must,so is computer
operation.From a long-term point of view,self-improvement is
far more valuable than currently money earning.
Last but not least,personal interest plays an important role
in working performance.If a job doesn’t match with your
personality or interest,you will suffer from that,
insignificant.Instead,that will improve your work
efficiency,quality as well as motivation of self-learning
constantly.Chemical effects take place.
To sum up,do be careful and serious on your part-time job
selecting.It can either be a stimulation or a stumbling block
in your life.