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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 04:53:14
eatest Architecture of the Past 1,000 Years
What are the most significant, most beautiful, or most interesting buildings of the past 1,000 years? Some art historians choose the Taj Mahal, while others prefer the soaring skyscrapers of the 20th century. There is no single correct answer. Perhaps the most innovative buildings are not grand monuments, but obscure homes and temples. In this quick list, we'll take a whirlwind tour through time, visiting some of the most popular buildings ... and a few forgotten treasures
1) 1137 : St. Denis Church in Saint-Denis
During the middle ages, builders were discovering that stone could carry far greater weight than ever imagined. Cathedrals could soar to dazzling heights, yet create the illusion of lace-like delicacy. The Church of St. Denis, commissioned by Abbot Suger of St. Denis, was one of the first large buildings to use this new vertical style known as Gothic. The church became a model for most of the late12th century French cathedrals, including Chartres
2) 1205 - 1260 : Chartres Cathedral Reconstruction
In 1194, the original Romanesque Chartres Cathedral in Chartes, France was destroyed by fire. Reconstructed in the years 1205 to 1260, the new Chartres Cathdral was built in the new Gothic style. Innovations in the cathedral's construction set the standard for thirteenth century architecture
3) 1406 - 1420 : The Forbidden City , Beijing
Occupying a rectangular area of more than 720,000 square meters, the Forbidden City was the imperial home of 24 emperors of the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties. The Forbidden City is one of the largest and best-preserved palace complexes in the world. There are over a million rare and valuable objects in the Museum
4) 1546 and Later : The Louvre, Paris
In the late 1500s, Pierre Lescot designed a new wing for the Louvre... and popularized ideas of pure classical architecture in France. Lescot's design laid the foundation for the development of the Louvre over the next 300 years. In 1985, architect Ieoh Ming Pei stirred great controversy when he designed the stark glass pyramid entrance to the palace-turned-museum
5) 1549 and Later: Palladio's Basilica, Italy
During the late 1500s, Italian Renaissance architect Andrea Palladio brought new appreciation for the classical ideas of ancient Rome when he transformed the town hall in Vicenza, Italy into the Basilica (Palace of Justice). Palladio gave the remodeled building two styles of classical columns: Doric on the lower portion and Ionic on the upper portion. Palladio's later designs continued to reflect the humanist values of the Renaissance period
吃过去 1,000 年的建筑学
最重要的,美丽的大部分或大多数过去 1,000 年的有趣建筑物是什么? 一些艺术历史学家选择 Taj Mahal,当其它偏爱 20 世纪的上升摩天楼的时候. 没有单一正确的答案. 也许最创新的建筑物不是壮观的纪念碑 , 但是微暗的家和寺庙. 在这本快的目录中,我们将会整时间轮流一个旋风旅游,拜访一些最流行的建筑物 ... 而且一些被忘记的宝物1) 1137: 圣. 圣徒的 Denis 教堂- Denis在中世纪期间,建立者正在发现,石头可以传达重量远比曾经想像棒的. 大教堂可以对眼花撩乱的高度升高, 然而产生像饰带一样精致的幻影. 圣的教堂. Denis, 被圣的修道院院长 Suger 委任. Denis,是第一的大建筑物之一使用以哥德式闻名的这种新的垂直风格. 教堂对于大部份的 late12th 世纪法国大教堂变成一个模型, 包括 Chartres2) 1205- 1260: Chartres 大教堂重建在 1194 年,Chartes 的最初罗马式的 Chartres 大教堂,法国被火破坏了. 在 1205 到 1260 年中重建,新的 Chartres Cathdral 在新的哥德式的风格中被建造. 大教堂的建筑改革设定标准第十三个世纪建筑学3) 1406- 1420: 被禁止的城市 , 北京占领一个超过 720,000个正方形的矩形区域公尺,被禁止的城市是明 (1368-1644) 和 Qing(1644-1911) 朝代的 24个皇帝的帝王家. 被禁止的城市是最大的之一和最好-保护了全球的宫殿合成物. 那里在博物馆中是在一个百万个稀罕的和有价值的物体之上4) 1546 和稍后 : 罗浮宫, 巴黎在 1500 年代后期中,皮埃尔 Lescot 为罗浮宫设计了一只新的翅膀... 而且在法国使成通俗性纯粹古典的建筑学的主意. Lescot's 的设计在未来的 300 年以来为罗浮宫的发展放置了基础. 在 1985 年, 建筑师 Ieoh 当他设计了变硬了的玻璃金字塔通往宫殿转者的入口时候,明 Pei 激起了很棒的论争- 博物馆5) 1549 和稍后: Palladio's 的长方形会堂, 意大利当他把城镇门厅在威钦察 , 意大利转变成长方形会堂的时候,在 1500 年代后期期间,意大利文艺复兴建筑师安德里亚 Palladio 为远古罗马的古典主意带来了新的赏识 (正义的宫殿). Palladio 给予那改造建筑物古典专栏的二种风格: 在较低的部分上的 Doric 和爱尔尼亚的在上面的部分上. Palladio's 的较迟设计继续反映文艺复兴时期的人类学者价值