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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 06:51:54
Remember an interesting little experiment
I was a little boy who loves to explore novelty. Previously, I've heard put a worm cut in two after it not only will not die, but also can be turned into two living earthworms do! To prove this, I made an interesting little test.
Students say that earthworms can be found everywhere after the rain the day after a shower, I really have no difficulty find a side in the flower bed worm.
Friday After returning home, I pulled out the utility knife to earthworm on a piece of paper with confidence think: I must be able to successfully complete the tests.
Trial started, I carefully cut the worms in half, you look closely, Huh? How like a dead worm, like a motionless? I extremely frustrated: Is my experiment failed? Just as I was dejected when suddenly remembered my mother told me: "If you encounter difficulties, do not give up, my mother believe you can do it!" So I summoned the strength to continue to test. I brought "A Hundred Thousand Whys of biological Chapter" and began to find some relevant information on earthworms. Turned over turned over, I found the answer. Oh! The original worm was cut, the wound would be immediately next to the muscles to tighten, just like the original still open the door immediately locked up, like, there really is magic ah! In fact, earthworms have a strong regenerative capacity, the original so ah! After a two or three days later, the worm can be divided into two complete worms had! See here, I seem to see the dawn of victory, another confident!
Two days later, when I see my worms again, I really found a box with two little worms crawling around it in! I put tell his mother, and she smiled and said: "Haha my family will be his son, study, make their own tests 啦!"
This is what I have done before a small experiment, it is very interesting!
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