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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/05 10:22:37
当拥有着令人侧目的惊人美貌且天真率性的年轻人道林·格雷来到了维多利亚时代的伦敦时,他迅速在拥有着超凡魅力的亨利·沃托的引领下,直接卷入了一场名流社交所引起的旋风当中,道林以最快的速度融入其中.  亨利的朋友,同样也是一位社交艺术家的巴兹尔·霍尔沃德为道林画了一幅异常传神的画像,捕捉到了这位年轻的美男子全部的气质和能量,这也使得涉世不深的道林做下了一个轻率的决定--他发誓,只要能永远保留住自己在画像中的模样,他愿意付出一切,包括他的灵魂.  在亨利的引导和鼓动下,道林继续着属于他自己的狂野的冒险之旅,但是当他以一种永葆青春和美貌的姿态不断地示人的时候,他却把那幅画像锁进了不见天日的阁楼里.每当他对邪恶屈服并成为帮凶,画像都会变得愈加地丑陋和恐怖--看起来,道林正在无所节制地纵容自己的每一个应当被禁止的欲望和需求,根本就不在乎如此做最终会给自己造成什么样的后果.而且当巴兹尔坚持让他去看一眼自己的画像的时候,道林却杀死了他,然后逃离了这座城市.  25年后,道林重新回到了这片他一直在竭力逃避的土地,而且让他的那些老朋友感到尤为震惊的是,他看起来还像以前那般光鲜亮丽,一点都没变老--其实他现在已经变成了一个正在遭受痛苦折磨的男人,因为在他的生命中,爱与生存的意义全部都被剥夺了.道林不断地受到自己的过去的困扰,还有那个隐藏在阁楼里的画像中的畸形怪物的辱骂和奚落,然后,他遇到了艾米丽一个聪明、迷人的美丽女子,让道林深深地为她所着迷.但是,艾米丽却是亨利的女儿,他想尽办法,就为了让女儿远离这个半人半鬼的家伙.当伦敦的好事者都在秘密地讨论"道林与魔鬼订下了契约"时,亨利也决定让他女儿的那个不正常的恋人彻底地曝光  最后,艾米丽使道林觉醒,在亨利发现了道林的画像后,道林推走艾米丽和亨利,自己拔剑刺向了画像.最后道林找到了真爱.道林“死后”艾米丽无法原谅亨利,不再联络她的父亲.而亨利把那副在火中留下的画像,安好如初的画像,道林依然美丽的画像锁在了阁楼里.
或者如果有关于《道林 格雷的画像》 英文简介也可以.
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The novel centers on Dorian Gray, a young man of great beauty. When he meets Lord Henry Wotton, Lord Henry inspires him with a vision of life in which the pursuit of beauty through sensual pleasure is valued above ethical or moral concerns. Another friend of Dorian, the artist Basil Hallward, awakens Dorian’s vanity. After admiring a portrait of himself painted by Basil, Dorian declares that he would give his own soul if he could remain eternally young while the portrait grows old. He gets his wish, and the picture shows the gradual disfigurement of his soul as he sinks into a life of degradation and crime.
In his London studio, artist Basil Hallward puts the finishing touches on his latest portrait, that of a young man. Although Lord Henry, who is visiting with Basil, asks about the young man's identity, Basil declines to answer, noting his preference for secrecy. Basil never intends to exhibit the painting, because if he did, it would bare the deepest feelings in his soul. However, Basil lets slip that the subject of the portrait is Dorian Gray, who shortly thereafter pays the two men a house call.
Lord Henry immediately begins to influence Dorian, suggesting that he should treasure and guard his youth and beauty while he has them, because they will soon fade. Terrified of aging, Dorian wishes he could trade his soul to stay as young as he looks in the portrait; a short while later, he again wishes that he could stay young while the image in the painting aged. The portrait thus begins to take on a life-like existence; in fact, Basil's threat to burn the portrait is likened to "murder" and Basil prefers the company of the portrait to the real Dorian.
Dorian falls in love with a young actress, Sibyl Vane, a woman he barely knows. She plays a different woman at each night's performance, earning the label of "genius" from Dorian, who is as smitten with her acting more than with her personality. They become engaged, much to the surprise of Lord Henry and Basil.
The sweet, wholesome Sibyl discusses her engagement with her family. Because her mother is indebted to the theatre manager, Mr. Isaacs, for fifty pounds, she is against the marriage unless Dorian is wealthy; they do not know that he is. Sibyl's angry brother, James, is leaving for Australia, but he vows to kill Dorian if he wrongs his sister in any way. James also confronts his mother about gossip he has heard — that his mother and deceased father never married, which Mrs. Vane admits is true.
Dorian attends a performance of Sibyl's with Lord Henry and Basil, but the performance is terrible. Sibyl tells Dorian she can no longer act, because he has shown her a beautiful reality. Dorian is disgusted by her poor acting, because her performances were what drew him to her; he dismisses her and returns home. To his surprise, the portrait shows marks of cruelty around the mouth, lines that do not show on Dorian's face. He begins to suspect that his wish is coming true, so he vows to be good so that both he and the portrait can remain young. He, therefore, intends to apologize to Sibyl the next day and makes to marry her after all.
However, he is too late: Sibyl commits suicide at the theatre that night. Dorian first feels responsibility for her death, but then views it both as wonderful entertainment and a selfish act on her part. Lord Henry tries to keep Dorian's name out of the scandal. Dorian and Lord Henry spend the evening at the opera. The next morning, Basil arrives and expresses concern for Dorian, given the events of the previous day. Dorian, however, is completely unconcerned about Sibyl or her family; he wants to talk only of happy subjects. The next day, he covers his portrait and moves it to the attic, to which Dorian has the only key. He then settles in to read a yellow book sent by Lord Henry; the book becomes Dorian's blueprint for life.
Several years pass, and Dorian lives a hedonistic life according to the guidelines established by Lord Henry and the yellow book. While the face in the portrait has turned ugly, Dorian remains young, beautiful, and innocent. People talk about Dorian's "madness of pleasure" and his dreadful influence on the people around him, but that is of no consequence to him. Finally, when he is thirty-eight years old, Dorian shows the portrait to Basil, who begs Dorian to repent of his sin and ask that the wish be revoked. Instead, Dorian kills Basil and hides his body.
Blackmailing his old friend Alan Campbell, Dorian is able to dispose of Basil's body. An hour later, Dorian attends a party, but is bored and distracted. He then heads for an opium den and, out on the street, meets Sibyl's younger brother, who has been waiting for an opportunity to harm Dorian for nearly twenty years. Dorian makes a case for mistaken identity when he claims to have the face of a twenty-year-old and cannot be the man James is looking for. A woman in the street reveals that Dorian "sold himself to the devil for a pretty face," so James again pursues Dorian.
At his country estate one week later, Dorian entertains guests but believes James in hunting him. Dorian soon learns, however, that a man accidentally killed in a hunting accident is James, and so he feels safe.
The novel concludes six months later. Dorian and Lord Henry dine, and talk turns serious — Dorian talks of Basil, and Lord Henry reflects on a sermon he heard the previous Sunday while walking in the park. Lord Henry also inquires about the secret of Dorian's youth, which Dorian dismisses. Dorian then asks Lord Henry never to give the yellow book to anyone else. That evening, while Dorian examines the portrait, he decides to destroy it with the knife used to murder Basil. Soon after, Dorian's servants and a police officer find an old, ugly man lying dead on the ground in front of a portrait of a young and innocent Dorian.
英语翻译当拥有着令人侧目的惊人美貌且天真率性的年轻人道林·格雷来到了维多利亚时代的伦敦时,他迅速在拥有着超凡魅力的亨利· 作文珍惜我所拥有的天真 英语翻译梅西是一个不同寻常的球星,他拥有高度的创造力.虽然他个子不高,但是他拥有极快的速度和强壮的身体,他拥有令人难以置 英语翻译如今是信息时代,快速时代,拥有快捷就是等于占有了先机,航空服务正是这个大时代前景下应运而生的产物,时代在进步,科 以下是个历史问答题,英国有一个影片为《年轻的维多利亚》,该片阐释殖民时代英国社会的巨大转变,歌颂了维多利亚女王的丰功伟绩 英文翻译 他拥有的书真多啊! 英语翻译百官侧目中的侧目的意思. 英语翻译他在濒临绝境时的惊人毅力让我们难以忘怀.其实又何止一个鲁滨孙,杰克·伦敦笔下那位无名的淘金者所表现出来的求生的欲 作为小学生,我们生活在一个幸福的时代,我们拥有童年,拥有快乐,拥有美好的学习生活.请以此为 作为小学生,我们生活在一个幸福的时代,我们拥有童年,拥有快乐,拥有美好的学习生活.请以此为话题写一 英语翻译雀巢公司,由亨利•内斯特莱于1867年创建,总部设在瑞士日内瓦湖畔的沃韦,在全球拥有500多家工厂, 英语翻译当人得到一切的时候是不是就意味着要失去一切,如果当我拥有财富拥有地位拥有权利拥有一切的时候却没有拥有你,不想去怪