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How to Be Healthy的英语作文

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 02:41:19
How to Be Healthy的英语作文
Eat healthy food;
Do sports after school.
Above all,don't smoke.Cigarette smoke is a toxic cocktail of around 70 cancer-causing chemicals and hundreds of other poisons.Smoking is the single biggest cause of cancer in the world.In the UK,smoking accounts for one in four cancer deaths and kills five times more people than road accidents,overdoses,murder,suicide and HIV all put together.
Eat at roughly the same times each day.This might be two,three or more times but a routine encourages a reasonable weight.
Watch your portions.Don't heap food on your plate (except for vegetables) and think twice before having second helpings.
Try to have five portions of fruit and vegatables a day.A portion is about 80g of fruit or vegetables.This is roughly equal to an apple,orange,banana,or similarly-sized fruit or two serving spoons of cooked vegetables such as broccoli or carrots.
Eat foods with reduced fat.Choose reduced fat versions of foods such as dairy products,spreads and salad dressings.Cut fat off meat.
Eat foods with reduced salt.Too much salt can increase your blood pressure and your risk of heart disease and stroke.
Eat healthier snacks.If you're hungry between meals,choose a healthy option such as fresh fruit or low calorie yogurts instead of chocolate or crisps.