作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 20:31:19
1.It’s a lesson in high-stakes,cut-throat job interviewing-for potential employees and employers.
2.Ereka,the project manager leading the losing team in Week 8,the Trumph Ice episode,let her emotions get in the way during the project,and in the boardroom with Trumph.
3.Those opinions were critical in determining whether one candidate had indeed acted unethically as his competitors charged.
4.You won’t get stuck in a debilitating emotion if you don’t give it any power.
5.People who love their jobs are inspired and inspring.
6.Research,teaching,and learning are extremely difficult when a few faculty members,students,and student groups take up positions as combative agents of rival political factions.
7.I was eager to explore the history of African and African-American history from a viewpoint that didi not make them seem subhuman and college affords students that opportunity.
8.Teachers are wonderful people who can take students from the top of Mount Olympic to the cold and desolation of Antarctica but they are there to teach,not parent.
9.The “culture of poverty”theory that has been used by several politicians to explain differences in learning berween different ethnicities would be exposed as a blatant attempt by the status quo to “blame” individuals for their poverty if the educational system was restructured to meet the needs of all students,not just the wealthy.
10.In a hierarchical society such as in America,there will always be someone on the low end of the totem pole and the best way to do that is through the mis-education of its most vulnerable:the children.