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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 03:45:01
What did I learn about my oral English skill?I will say that I did learn a lot by these activities.First,it is very interesting to attend the English Garden from which I can learn some foreign customs.I can understand well when I speak with the foreigners.Second,going to the website to have a voice chat with the foreigner also can enhance my oral English.They will help me with my pronunciation,intonation,and rhythm.I can correct the mistakes and remember them firmly.Third,it is a great honor to have a chance to help a foreigner out.When I was at the bus station waiting for the bus,I found two foreigners were too anxious.I came up and asked them with my poor English.At last,I helped them out and I chatted with them very happily.And they gave me some advices to practice English which I have insisted in from then on.Fourth,talking with my friends who study English in the Jimei University gives us more chance to practice English.We are all English majors and we can exchange the experience in English spoken.
额 本人语法不是很好,将就改下,不一定100%准确.
首先,第一句话就有点问题,纵观你整篇文章,你要表达的意思是“怎么做能提高自己的英语口语”.而What did I learn about my oral English skill?的意思是:我怎么了解(注意learn about 是获悉,了解的意思)自己的英语口语能力.显然逻辑上说不过去,建议改为:how to improve my oral English skill? 或其他的什么.
第二句话I will say that I did learn a lot by these activities.逻辑本身就有问题,这里也不指出了;从语法角度看,时态穿越了啊,一般将来时不能和一般过去时用在一起;另外,你是想用these activities指代下面的first,second…….个人觉得没有必要,还显得很不地道.干脆直接删除这个句子,不要它了,直接first,second…….
They will help me with my pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm. They 指代有问题,应该改为It.
Third, it is a great honor to have a chance to help a foreigner out. 大哥/大姐,你有必要感到honor吗当帮助了一个老外,太夸张了,建议改为delight,或者其他什么.
I came up and asked them with my poor English. 建议前面加上so, 以保持逻辑上的缜密.
建议改为:So I came up and asked them what can i do for them.
And they gave me some advices to practice English which I have insisted in from then on.表达不清楚,不熟悉定语从句就不要乱用,否则辞不达意,就简单句就行了:And they gave me some advices to practice English.
Fourth, talking with my friends who study English in the Jimei University gives us more chance to practice English. 逻辑错误,前面都是I,现在突然变成了us.把us改为me.
We are all English majors and we can exchange the experience in English spoken. and左右不平行,逻辑混乱.直接改为:We are all English majors can exchange the experiences in English spoken. 另外你不应该从你自己的口语提高马上变成一群人的….中间至少要有点承接过渡什么的,或者直接删除.结尾就总结下就可以了.