作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 08:58:58
At the beginning of the world,it was Bear who owned Fire.Bear and his people carried Fire with them ____21____ they went.
One day,Bear and his people came to a great forest,where they found many acorns(橡子) ____22____ on the forest floor.Bear set Fire at the edge(边缘) of the forest,and he and his ____23____ began eating acorns.They went further and further away from Fire,eating the delicious acorns and looking for____24____.
Fire blazed (发出火焰) up happily for a while ____25____ it had burned almost all of its wood.It started to smoke."___26____ me!Feed me!" Fire shouted to Bear.But Bear and his people did not hear Fire's ____27____.
At that moment,Man came walking through the forest and saw the small Fire.
"What should I feed you?" Man asked,He had____28____ seen Fire before.
"I eat sticks and wood of all kinds," Fire said.
Man ____29____ a stick and put it on Fire.Man got a second stick and then a third one...By this time,Fire's hunger was satisfied.
Man warmed himself by the Fire,enjoying the changed colors.Man and Fire were very happy together,and Man fed Fire sticks whenever it got hungry.And now Fire ____30____ to Man.
( ) 21.A.whatever B.however C.wherever D.whenever
( ) 22.A.blessing B.playing C.sleeping D.lying
( ) 23.A.people B.sister C.brother D.parents
( ) 24.A.less B.more C.little D.few
( ) 25.A.until B.unless C.if D.but
( ) 26.A.Hire B.Twist C.Feed D.Mend
( ) 27.A.education B.step C.voice D.cries
( ) 28.A.ever B.never C.always D.often
( ) 29.A.picked up B.took up C.looked up D.put up
( ) 30.A.lowers B.cheers C.likes D.belongs
21-25CDABD 26-30 CCBAD
..21无论什么 然而 无论哪里 无论什么
22 祝福.玩 睡,躺
  ()23.答:人b .妹妹c .弟弟d的父母
  (24).a .b .c .小d .几更少
  ()25.如果d .但a到b .除非c
  (26).a .雇佣b .捻c .d .修补
  ()27.答:教育b步骤c .d .哭声音
  ()28.a .b .从来没有过c总是经常d
  ()29日.a .捡起b了c .抬起头来了
  (30).答:降低b .c .d .属于喜欢欢呼声