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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/13 23:22:47
第二个是Regardless of whether or not you have an intended major or concentration,please elaborate on an academic area of interest and how you wish to explore it at NYU's campuses in New York or Abu Dhabi or at one of our global academic centers around the world.Please share any activities or experiences you have had that have cultivated your intellectual interests leading you to choose to study at the NYU campus of your choice.
第三个是What intrigues you?Tell us about one work of art,scientific achievement,piece of literature,method of communication,or place in the world (a film,book,performance,website,event,location,etc.),and explain its significance to you.
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why 的话可以尽量往new york city 上靠 谈谈自己对这个国际化大都市的主观认知 要有独特见解
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intrigue的话最好避开名著 可以想想一些更加小的事物 例如一片读者上的小短文(我就写的这个) 关键是要有争议性 因为intrigues是现在时 而不是intrigued 所以最好到现在仍让你有疑惑和兴趣