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英语翻译Who Will Care for the Elder Orphans?Author:Richard A.She

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/09 07:41:27
Who Will Care for the Elder Orphans?
Author:Richard A.Sherer
Elder orphans.It's not a term you're likely to find in the literature.At this point,older adults with neither family nor extended family resources barely make a blip on the health care radar screen,but they represent one more phenomenon of the baby boomer generation,with its low birth rate and increased longevity.
"I hadn't heard the term until I got a call from a reporter a while back," Charles A.Cefalu,M.D.,M.S.,told Geriatric Times.Cefalu is chief of geriatrics at the Louisiana State University School of Medicine."It is a growing problem and will become even bigger in the next 20 years," he said."As far as being a problem right now,you don't tend to focus on it or see it unless you have an opportunity to care for [patients] in an indigent setting.But it's a huge problem and it will expand to other,more affluent elders as the baby boomer population gets into those years."
Kenneth W.Wachter,Ph.D.,chair of the department of demography at the University of California at Berkeley,in an interview with GT,estimated that the number of Americans between the ages of 70 and 85 "without a living spouse,without any biological or stepchildren and without living siblings or half-siblings" will total more than 2 million people by the year 2030.
"That group will represent about 4% of the non-African-American population and about 5% to 6% of the African-American population," he said."It is not a negligible proportion of the whole."
"We know from epidemiological studies that after age 80,the prevalence rate of Alzheimer's disease is between 22% and 40%,depending on which study you read," Joel Streim,M.D.,president of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry,told GT.
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Who Will Care for the Elder Orphans? 谁会关心那些孤寡老人
Author: Richard A. Sherer 作者:理查德A舍勒
Elder orphans. It's not a term you're likely to find in the literature. At this point, older adults with neither family nor extended family resources barely make a blip on the health care radar screen, but they represent one more phenomenon of the baby boomer generation, with its low birth rate and increased longevity.
"I hadn't heard the term until I got a call from a reporter a while back," Charles A. Cefalu, M.D., M.S., told Geriatric Times. Cefalu is chief of geriatrics at the Louisiana State University School of Medicine. "It is a growing problem and will become even bigger in the next 20 years," he said. "As far as being a problem right now, you don't tend to focus on it or see it unless you have an opportunity to care for [patients] in an indigent setting. But it's a huge problem and it will expand to other, more affluent elders as the baby boomer population gets into those years."
作为医学博士和理科硕士的查理斯A 切法卢对老年时报说:“在前阵子接到一个记者的电话之前,我从没听说过这个词组.”切法卢是路易斯安那大学医学院老年病学的带头人.他说:“这是一个不断发展的问题并且会在未来20年变得更严重.”即使现在是个问题,如果你没有机会关心贫困地区的“病人”,你就不会关注和看到这个问题.但是这是一个很严重的问题,并且会扩大到其他方面,跟那些年婴儿潮引发的问题一样,产生更多的老年人.
Kenneth W. Wachter, Ph.D., chair of the department of demography at the University of California at Berkeley, in an interview with GT, estimated that the number of Americans between the ages of 70 and 85 "without a living spouse, without any biological or stepchildren and without living siblings or half-siblings" will total more than 2 million people by the year 2030.
"That group will represent about 4% of the non-African-American population and about 5% to 6% of the African-American population," he said. "It is not a negligible proportion of the whole."
他说:“这个群体包括非非洲裔美国人口的大约4%,和非洲裔美国人口的5%到6%. 这是一个不可忽略的比例.”
"We know from epidemiological studies that after age 80, the prevalence rate of Alzheimer's disease is between 22% and 40%, depending on which study you read," Joel Streim, M.D., president of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry, told GT.
美国老年精神病协会会长,医学博士乔尔 斯特莱姆对老年时报说:“从流行病学研究我们得知,80岁以后老年痴呆症的发病率是在22%到40%,这个取决于你所看到的研究.”