作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

英语翻译摘 要:随着我国贫富差距的日益拉大,我国个人所得税的制度设计暴露出诸多不足之处,它将可能严重影响个人所得税法制功

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 00:42:39
摘 要:
关键词:个人所得税; 税制改革;超额累进税率;税收征管;
With our country gap in wealth gradually play big,our country individual income tax system designs that revealing out a lot of defects,it will may affect functional bringing into play of individual income tax legal institutions gravely.The author intends to reform the course developing and their current situation by setting forth individual income tax system ,have problem puts forward a proposal right away ,is our country individual income tax system reformation provide draw lessons.At present,our country individual income tax collects the specific gravity too narrow ,taking in insisting to hang down.Current situation there existing a defect's in individual income tax,public wealth distributes ,functional sufficiency adjusting economy operation brings into play have restricted the individual income tax organization budgetary income gravely ,impartial,the present stage economic growth and pattern of income distribution are ill-adapted to the need to develop also with our country.The main body of a book is suggested to pass perfect individual income tax system ,is strengthening individual income tax collection and administration,to improve individual income tax invisible income specific gravity ,is brings the individual income tax function and the effect into play sufficiently.
英语翻译摘 要:随着我国贫富差距的日益拉大,我国个人所得税的制度设计暴露出诸多不足之处,它将可能严重影响个人所得税法制功 跪求翻译成英文本文介绍我国个人所得税的改革及发展历程,提出我国个人所得税制度存在的问题,主要阐述个人所得税的设计,税率结 我国个人所得税的意义是什么 英语翻译个人所得税是我国财政收入的主要来源之一.然而,在我国现行税制中,个人所得税却被公众认为是税收流失最严重的税种.个 英语翻译我国的社会福利起点晚,但发展比较迅速.随着老龄化的日益严重,我国的养老制度也起了很大的功效,日益完善的社会福利制 英语翻译随着我国货物运输及对外贸易的发展,我国《XX法》自颁布以来存在的诸多问题在实践中日益凸显. 我国现在的个人所得税起征点是多少? 6、简述我国个人所得税的税率类型? 2011年我国个人所得税改革的主要内容 英语翻译随着人类社会文明的发展,法制越来越受到关注和重视,我国也进入依法治国的时代.在教育领域,依法治校的重要意义被日益 我国个人所得税征收标准如右表.李叔叔这个月要交纳190元个人所得税,他这个月工资的实际收入是多少? 英语翻译随着我国养殖业的发展,其对环境的影响,特别是禽畜粪污对水、土壤和大气的污染日益严重.如何变废为宝,将这些粪污无害