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选词填空lose heart,fight for,as a matter of fact,mean,in trouble

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/19 11:17:08
lose heart,fight for,as a matter of fact,mean,in trouble,blow up,set up,set up,out of work,quality,turn to,devote
1.I had a flat tire on the way.Please it .
2.Don't when you are in trouble.
3.He looks cruel but ,be is a kind person.
4.If you do not work hard at your work,you'll be .
5.He is man of many good .
6.He was active in the freedom of the blacks.
7.She is always with money whlie her husband is generous.
8.He was too ready to help those .
9.At that time he didn't knoe who to .
10.Zhang has his life to helping the bind.
1. blow ...up 我的车胎在路上没气了,请给它充个气.
2. lose heart 遇到困难时不要气馁.
3. as a matter of fact 他看起来冷酷,但其实他是个好人.
4. out of work 如果你不努力工作,就会失业.
5. qualities 他是一个有着很多优良品质的人.
6. fighting for 他积极为黑人争取自由.
7. mean 她花钱总是很小气,而她丈夫却很大方.
8. in trouble 他总是乐于帮助有困难的人.
9. turn to 有时他都不知道应该找谁帮忙.
10. devoted 张的一生都在致力于帮助盲人.