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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/06 01:05:06
解题思路: 如下
动词是英语中最活跃的词性之一,其主要作用是在句中作谓语.在谓语动词后接动词作宾语时, 主要分为两种情况:
能以不定式做宾语的动词很多, 常见的有:want, hope,wonder, wish, agree, try, manager, offer, decide, fail,refuse, ask, pretend, intend, attempt, teach, discuss 等.例如:
I have learned to drive the car.
They refused to accept my suggestion.
He promised to come.
在enjoy, appreciate, admit, consider, mind, avoid., miss, can't help, deny, practise, allow, finish, imagine, forbid, suggest等这些动词之后要求用动名词作宾语. 例如:
Have you finished repairing your car
She suggested spending another week in the country.
Do you feel like taking a walk.
需要我们注意的是, 有些动词既可用动词不定式也可用动名词作宾语. 这两种结构在意义上有时差别不大, 有时差别较明显.下面分别说一下这两种情况:
Ⅲ 这两种情况在意义上差别不大的词有:love, like, hate, prefer, begin, start, continue, need, intend, attempt等. 例如:
Do you like playing(to play) chess
When did you begin learning(to learn) French
随着语言的发展, 这些区别也在逐渐缩小,但需要注意的是:
在like, love, prefer等动词后, 若表示经常性的抽象的动作,多用动名词作宾语;若指特定的或具体的行动, 则用不定式更多一些.例如:
I like swimming, but I don't like to swimming today.
She prefers walking to cycling.
I prefer to stay at home today.
在begin, start等词的后面, 在下面三种情况下, 后接动词不定式较好:
主语是物而不是人时:Ice begins to melt.
本身是v-ing 形式时: We are starting to clean the classroom.
其后的动词与想法,感情有关时:I begin to realize that he is wrong.
Ⅳ 在两种结构在意义上差别较明显的动词有: remember, forget, regret, stop, mean, try等.例如:
remember后接动名词通常表示:记得干过某事的,跟动词不定式通常表示:别忘了, 要记得干, 动作并未发生:
I remembered posting the letter today.
Please remember to post the letter today.
2.regret 后接动名词, 通常表示:对已发生的情况表示后悔,跟不定式通常表示:对将来的情况表示抱歉
I regret to inform you that you won't be able to attend the class.
我们遗憾地通知你们, 你们将不能参加这个班.
I regretted having done such a thing.
3.mean后接动名词, 通常表示:意味着, 不定式通常表示:打算干什么.
Failing this exam means waiting for a year.
I didn't mean to argue with you.
4.try 后接动名词, 通常表示:式一式做某事,跟不定式通常表示:设法去做某事:
Let's trying doing the work in this way.
I' will work hard, and try to improve.
我将努力工作, 并设法改进.