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英语翻译many people dump most of their grbage in sanitary langfi

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 00:24:54
many people dump most of their grbage in sanitary langfills now the landfills are overflowing with garbage people are noticing that certain itens in the garbage aren't breaking down and mixing with the soil things made of glass plastics and tin change little over the years they are piling up
we need to do something about it but how rcycling is the answer to the problem people in many countries are trying to use these items again to make new itms it is important because it conserves natural resources anf saves energy for example recycilng paper saves trees recycling also saves space in landfills let's work together to make our world beautiful
许多人倾卸垃圾掩埋场正在和垃圾人泛滥的现在正在注意的卫生 langfills 的他们 grbage 的大部分,在垃圾中的特定 itens 在数年以来没有在以以玻璃塑料和锡制成的土壤事物压倒和混合变化一点点他们向上是打桩
我们需要对它采取行动,但是 rcycling 如何在许多国家中是问题人的答案再一次正在尝试使用这些项目制造它是重要的新 itms 因为它保存 anf 举例来说解救能源 recycilng 的天然资源用纸糊树再循环也解救垃圾掩埋场的空间救援让我们一起工作使我们的世界美丽