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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 17:13:04
This is not to say you should simply dismiss your pain and go on as if nothing has happened.That,according to clinical psychologist Janis Abrahms Spring,Ph.D.,author of How Can I Forgive You,is "cheap forgiveness," an unhealthy approach that is doomed to fail because "it's a desperate attempt to cover up the injury" rather than come to terms with it.Usually someone avoids confronting her hurt and the person who caused it because she's afraid—of conflict; of losing her connection,however dysfunctional,with the offender; of facing up to her own role in the situation.Spring advocates acceptance—you acknowledge fully the wrong that's been done,"clear your head of emotional poison," then move on.
这并不代表你应该仅仅遗忘你的痛苦,就好像什么事情都没发生过.在《我怎样原谅你》的作者——临床心理学教授Janis Abrahms Spring看来,那是廉价的原谅,一种注定会失败的不健康的方式.因为那是人们在绝望中试图掩盖自己的痛楚,而不是直面问题并解决它.通常,有的人会尽量避免直接面对痛和造成这种伤害的人,因为,她害怕冲突,情不自禁地害怕与此人断绝往来,同时害怕面对在这种情况下自身的处境.Sping 提倡坦然接受-完全承认别人已经犯下的过错,清除头脑中消极的情绪,整理好你的情感,然后一如既往的生活.(尽力啦!