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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/18 11:22:49
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Stop and check immediately if there are some abnormal noise or other malfunction. Go on running until debugging these malfunctions.
Don't use the brake valves to adjust the flow avoiding of vapor erosion.
In general, the pump can't run for long time under the designed flow 30%. If necessary, a side pipe should be set on the discharge pipe to share little flow to make the flow of pump in requirement.
Shut off the brake valves on the discharge pipe slowly, and then stop the motor. 5.3.2慢慢关闭压出口压力(真空)计,灌注情况还要关闭吸入管路闸阀.如果密封采用外部引液时,还要关闭外引液阀门
Shut down the pressure gauges.
Remove the liquid in the pump if the environmental temperature is below the solidify point of the liquid.
The corrosive medium in the pump must be removed and washed with water
when the pump is out of working for a long time, especially in the seal room. At best, disassemble the pump, wash and assemble it again.
6. 使用机械密封注意事项Notes in using mechanical seal
This series pump can apply with various mechanical seals according to various conditions. Such as interior single face balancing and unbalancing type, double face balancing and unbalancing type, exterior mechanical seal and etc. So the usage and notes of mechanical seals are different. Refer to the user's guide of mechanical seal. General announcements are following:

General mechanical seal is used for medium, which is clear, and no
suspension. So the new pipelines and tanks should be washed cleanly avoiding solid impurity into the seal face.
The mechanical seal should be usually washed when using crystallizable medium. Before start-up again, the crystal on the seal should be removed.
Tear down the mechanical seal carefully.
Remove the fouling first and then tear down the mechanical seal to prevent damaging units.
Check all of units whether they are disabled or damaged before fitting the mechanical seal.
Check the dynamic and static seals' face strictly. All of the parts, including
casing, impeller, seals room, must be washed. Especially dynamic and static seals must be wiped with clean and soft cloth or cotton yarn and then dab a layer of lube at the face of seals.
6.7装配中要注意消除偏差,紧固螺钉时,要均匀把紧,避免发生偏斜,使密封失 效.
Bridge the deviation in assembling. Tighten the screw well-distributed avoiding the deviation.
Adjust the spring's compress correctly. When the pump is counted, turn the rotor and feel the rotor running nimbly without obstruction.

To those mechanical seals with the external washing, the seal room must be filled full before staring up. When shut off, first shut off the pump and then stop the seal liquid.
7. 可能发生的故障、原因及消除方法Troubles, causes and solution
发生振动及杂音 轴封腔泄露过多 Vibration or Noise Shaft seal leakage
消耗功率过大 Bigger power exhausted 轴封发热
Shaft seal heating 流量、扬程不足 Head or flow lacking 泵过分发热或转不动 Pump overheating

泵输不出液体 Can't pump liquid 轴承发热及容易损坏 Shaft overheating 故障的可能因素 POSSIBLE CAUSE
SOLUTION 泵内或吸入管内留有空气There is air in pump or suction pipe ○○○重新灌液、排除空气 Refill liquid and remove air
吸入扬程过高或灌注不足 Suction head higher or filling lacking ○○○降低泵位、增加进口处压力
Lowers pump's position, increase pressure of suction pipe 吸入管路过小或有杂物阻塞The bore of suction is too small or the tube stopped up by impurity. ○○○加大吸入管径、清除堵塞物Increase the bore of suction tube and remove the impurity in the
吸入管浸入深度不够或漏气The immerse depth of suction pipe is lacking or leakage. ○○增大浸入深度或检修管路Increase the depth or servicing the pipe.
转速过高或过低 Rotation speed is bigger or small. ○○○检查电机转速
Check the motor.
泵转向不对 The rotation direction is wrong. ○○从电机看应为顺时针方向
It must be clockwise seeing from

装置扬程与泵扬程不符 The head of unit doesn't correspond of pump.
设法降低吐出系统阻力或高度 Reduce the resistance or height of the discharge pipe.
介质重度与粘度与泵要求不符The special gravity and viscosity of media don't comply with the required of pump.
重新核算或更换合适功率电机Replace a motor of suitable power.
在流量过小处运转发生振动Vibration at the smaller flow. ○○
加大流量或设旁通循环管Increase the flow or set a side-pipe on the pipe. 泵与电机轴线不一致或轴弯曲The axes of pump and motor are not coincidental or the shaft is bent.
Adjust the axes again.
Friction between the rotating parts and the fixed parts.
Overhaul the pump or alter the using condition. 轴承磨损严重或损坏The
bearing wears down seriously or damaged.
Replace with new one. 密封环磨损过多
Sealing washer wears down seriously.
Replace with new one.
轴套填料或动、静环磨损过多Filler of shaft sleeve or dynamic, static sealing rings wear down seriously.
Replace with new one.
The filler or mechanical seal are wrong choices.
按使用要求重配或安装Reassemble according to the demand.
转动部分失去平衡引起振动The rotation parts unbalance in result of vibration.
检查原因设法消除 Check and solve it.
悬架体油室油量过多或油过脏The oil is more or too dirty. ○○○
按油位计加油或更换新油Fill oil or change with new oil. 管路或泵内有杂物堵塞There are impurities in pipe or pump.

Check and emission the impurities.

双端面密封液压力不当 The pressure is wrong.
The pressure of sealing liquid must be higher than that before sealing. 0.5~1.5Kgf/cm2 填料压盖过紧或过松
The filling cover is too tight or loose.
Adjust it properly.
Supplying scope and documents with the equipment

8.1 成套供应范围 Supplying scope Pump 泵 1 Motor 电机 1
Base 底座 1 Coupling and its cover联轴器和联轴器罩 1 8.2 随机供应资料:Documents with the equipment
安装说明书Product introduction paper 1 产品合格证Certificate of quality 1 产品装箱单Shipping documents 1 8.3 备件Spare parts
Including of impeller, seal rings, shaft sleeves and etc. Carry out according to the contract for details.