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暮光之城 英文台词how old are you?17how long have you been 17?a while

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/14 01:33:12
暮光之城 英文台词
how old are you?
how long have you been 17?
a while
i know what you are?
say it.out loud,say it!
are you afraid?
then,ask me the most basic question.what do we eat?
you won`t hurt me.
这一段前后的 请直接发上来给我
两个小时之内 请发给我
就是这一段前后的台词 全部都要
"I did some research on the Internet."
"And did that convince you?" His voice sounded barely interested.But his
hands were clamped hard onto the steering wheel.
"No.Nothing fit.Most of it was kind of silly.And then…" I stopped.
"I decided it didn't matter," I whispered.
"It didn't matter?" His tone made me look up — I had finally broken
through his carefully composed mask.His face was incredulous,with just
a hint of the anger I'd feared.
"No," I said softly."It doesn't matter to me what you are."
A hard,mocking edge entered his voice."You don't care if I'm a monster?
If I'm not human!"
He was silent,staring straight ahead again.His face was bleak and cold.
"You're angry," I sighed."I shouldn't have said anything."
"No," he said,but his tone was as hard as his face."I'd rather know
what you're thinking — even if what you're thinking is insane."
"So I'm wrong again?" I challenged.
"That's not what I was referring to.'It doesn't matter'!" he quoted,
gritting his teeth together.
"I'm right?" I gasped.
"Does it matter?"
I took a deep breath.
"Not really." I paused."But I am curious." My voice,at least,was
He was suddenly resigned."What are you curious about?"
"How old are you?"
"Seventeen," he answered promptly.
"And how long have you been seventeen?"
His lips twitched as he stared at the road."A while," he admitted at
"Okay." I smiled,pleased that he was still being honest with me.He
stared down at me with watchful eyes,much as he had before,when he was
worried I would go into shock.I smiled wider in encouragement,and he
"Don't laugh — but how can you come out during the daytime?"
He laughed anyway."Myth."
"Burned by the sun?"
"Sleeping in coffins?"
"Myth." He hesitated for a moment,and a peculiar tone entered his voice.
"I can't sleep."
It took me a minute to absorb that."At all?"
"Never," he said,his voice nearly inaudible.He turned to look at me
with a wistful expression.The golden eyes held mine,and I lost my train
of thought.I stared at him until he looked away.
"You haven't asked me the most important question yet." His voice was
hard now,and when he looked at me again his eyes were cold.
I blinked,still dazed."Which one is that?"
"You aren't concerned about my diet?" he asked sarcastically.
"Oh," I murmured,"that."
"Yes,that." His voice was bleak."Don't you want to know if I drink
I flinched."Well,Jacob said something about that."
"What did Jacob say?" he asked flatly.
"He said you didn't… hunt people.He said your family wasn't supposed to
be dangerous because you only hunted animals."
"He said we weren't dangerous?" His voice was deeply skeptical.
"Not exactly.He said you weren't supposed to be dangerous.But the
Quileutes still didn't want you on their land,just in case."
He looked forward,but I couldn't tell if he was watching the road or not.
"So was he right?About not hunting people?" I tried to keep my voice as
even as possible.
"The Quileutes have a long memory," he whispered.
I took it as a confirmation.
"Don't let that make you complacent,though," he warned me."They're
right to keep their distance from us.We are still dangerous."
"I don't understand."
"We try," he explained slowly."We're usually very good at what we do.
Sometimes we make mistakes.Me,for example,allowing myself to be alone
with you."
"This is a mistake?" I heard the sadness in my voice,but I didn't know
if he could as well.
"A very dangerous one," he murmured.
We were both silent then.