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英语句子语法问题The chart below shows numbers of incidents and injur

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/16 00:06:03
The chart below shows numbers of incidents and injuries per 100 million passenger miles travelled (PMT) by transportation type in 2002.
The bar chart compares the number of incidents and injuries for every 100 million passenger miles travelled on five different types of public transport in 2002.
第一句用的是by transportation,第二句用的是on,为什么?还用by不行吗?
第二个问题是,介词都在什么时候用,我对介词的用法好混乱,比如for on by of to with
我现在想写一句话,bus 有着最高的incident和injury数字,我可以这样写吗?The bus has the highest number of incidents and injuries 这里的介词我知道用of,但是我想换成另一种写法我就不知道该用哪个介词 The highest number of incidents and injuries has by buses.这里用by对吗?还是应该用for 或者with?
表示乘坐交通公共工具常用介词by 和 on ,by 表示一般概念是泛指,因此其后名词前面没有冠词,如 by bus ,by air ,on 常指代具体的交通工具,如,on the train ,on the plane .第一句中很明显是泛指,所以用by ,第二句中五...
再问: 非常感谢!这三句话哪个对?this is you worte. this was you write. this was you wrote
再答: 都不对。应该是:This is what you wrote . This is what you have written . This is what you are writing .
再问: лл�Ҷ��ˡ������һ��и�������The London underground is the oldest system, having opened in 1863. It is also the largest system, with 394 kilometres of route. ��仰��Ϊʲôhave�õ�having? ���Ľ���õ���with�������ñ�Ľ���