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英语翻译I’ve never heard of the Bauhaus,and I’m not clear on som

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 13:24:23
I’ve never heard of the Bauhaus,and I’m not clear on something.Was it some place you should go to or was it younger movement some sort you know,like Brook impressionism.
But it did mean that Bauhaus’ creation has their owner artistic beauty,and that instead of being individually handcraft like something you see in a… I don’t know.Garth Cathedral,they were produced by machines in large quantities.
W:Is the Bauhaus still around?
M:I don’t think so.But judging by the amount of time on our class schedule,that were going to be devoting to it.It’s a fact that must be left it.
我从来没有听说过包豪斯,我也不甚明了其中的细节.究竟它是一个你应该到达的地方还是你所知道的某种流派或运动,就像布鲁克印象派一样?但是,包豪斯的创作的确是有自己特有的艺术魅力的,不同于你在...我也记不清了...在Garth 大教堂里所看见的单个作品,那些是用机器批量生产出来的.