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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 01:25:33
Theory is based on practice and ________ turn serves ________. [ B ] A.on; the practice B.in; practice C.by; theory D.at; the theory I was expecting him at ten, but he didn't ________. [ C ] A.turn on B.turn off C.turn up D.turn over Switzerland refused to ________ the two world wars. [ B ] A.take part B.take sides in C.join D.attend
解题思路: 平时多积累、多记忆常用短语的语意很有用的
Theory is based on practice and ________ turn serves ________.
in turn 反过来 ,反之;语意为:理论基于实践,反之服务于实践。by turns 轮流、交替地;at / on turn 不存在 , 故选择B项。
I was expecting him at ten, but he didn't ________.
turn up 出席、出现、露面,语意为:我在10点钟正等着他,但是他没有露面。turn on 打开电视机等,turn off 关上电视机等,turn over 翻过来
Switzerland refused to ________ the two world wars.
take sides in 支持,站在...一边 语意为:瑞士拒绝支持两次世界大战。take part ( in )参加某活动,并在活动中起重要作用;join 加入某一团体或组织,如:join the army / club; attend 参加、出席会议/仪式等。