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英语翻译Yu et al.used ten pairs of primers to amplify the comple

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 01:48:18
Yu et al.used ten pairs of primers to amplify the complete
mt genome of C.hongkongensis (p.11).We carefully studied
the positions of each primer and located them in our mt genome sequences of C.hongkongensis (Figure 1).It
occurred to us that Yu et al.might have failed to amplify
the gene block of K1-C-Q1-rrnL5'-N-rrnS2 because some of
their primers were placed in a duplicated region.As
shown in Figure 1,primer pair 1* is located in gene cob
and rrnS1 (or rrnS2),primer pair 2* is completely located
within the duplicated gene rrnS (rrnS1 or/and rrnS2),and
primer pair 3* is located in rrnS2 (or rrnS1) and atp6
(primer pairs 1*,2* and 3* correspond to the third,the
fourth and the fifth primer pairs in Yu et al.' paper,Table
4).Because these three primer pairs are either completely
or partially (one of the two primers) located in the duplicated
gene rrnS1 and rrnS2,they should theoretically
amplify two fragments of different length,but in reality
the smaller fragment may be preferentially amplified and
sequenced.The length of shortest PCR products expected
from the three primer pairs was 2,470 bp,824 bp and
1,016 bp,respectively (Table 4).Primer pair 2* was completely
located in the duplicated gene rrnS (rrnS1 or rrnS2);
thus they may directly concatenate the sequence between
the duplicated gene and artificially lose the gene block of
K1-C-Q1-rrnL5'-N-rrnS2 (Figure 1).The block,2,147 bp,
may be too large to be amplified under competition with
a smaller fragment.
Yu等人使用了10对引物来增强香港牡蛎属的线粒体基因组(第11页).我们认真研究并找到了每个引物在我们的香港牡蛎属线粒体基因组序列中的位置(图1).我们发现Yu等人可能没有增强K1-C-Q1-rrnL5'-N-rrnS2的基因块,因为他们把引物放到了复制的区域中.如图1所示,引物对1在基因cob和rrnS1(或者rrnS2)中,引物对2整个在复制的基因rrnS(rrnS1 和/或 rrnS2)中,引物对3在rrnS2(或rrnS1)和atp6中(引物对1,2,3分别对应Yu等人的文章中的第3,4,5引物对,见表4).因为这3对引物全部或者部分(引物对的两个引物之一)都处于复制的rrnS1和rrnS2中,理论上他们都会增强不同长度的两个片段,但实际上,短的那个片段更容易得到增强排序.3对引物中最短的PCR生成物预计分别只有2470,824,和1016基对(表4).引物对2整体都处于复制的基因rrnS(rrnS1或者rrnS2)中;因此它们可能直接在复制的基因中间和序列拼接,并导致丢失基因块K1-C-Q1-rrnL5'-N-rrnS2(图1).包含2147个基对的块可能过于庞大,而较小的片段相比则更容易得到增强.