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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/02 17:58:29
Chinese is five years,have already killed Xiang Yu,i.e.emperor's location ,in terms of the competent envelope of work,officials strive for merit,years old I.Have until where work hold most,it seals to be 酂Hou first ,eat 8,000 cities.The distinguished person all says:"Official,etc.body hold soldier firmly,getting many over one hundred fight,person who lack several dozen equal to,take cities and seize territory,the size each has difference.Xiao He has no work of the sweat horse today,hold the writing and discuss in vain ,does not fight ,take care of ,occupy official wait for ,where even?"on say:" Do ladies and gentlemen know to hunt?"say:" Know it.""know hunting dog "say:" Know it."on say:" Hunt,chase person of beast killed dog too ,take place vertical to point out people ,person of beast ,too.Ladies and gentlemen can walk ear ,work even dog once in vain today; To like Xiao He,take place vertical instruction,even work people.And ladies and gentlemen are from me with the body alone ,the many one is 0.15 kilograms of persons; Xiao He lifts several dozen people all with me,the work can't be forgotten too!"Do not all dare to speak after officials.
英语翻译汉五年,已杀项羽,即皇帝位,论功行封,群臣争功,岁余不决.上以何功最盛,先封为酂侯,食邑八千户.功臣皆曰:“臣等 英语翻译汉五年,既杀项羽,定天下,论功行封.群臣争功,岁余功不决.高祖以萧何功最盛,封为酂侯,(1)所食邑多.(2)功臣 英语翻译汉五年,已杀项羽,即皇帝位,论功行封~群臣后莫感言. 《汉高祖封萧何》的译文? 刘邦既杀项羽,即皇帝位.这篇,回答好加分! 英语翻译有群臣当迁官,太祖素恶其人,不与.普坚以为请,太祖怒曰:“朕固不为迁官,卿若之何?”普曰:“刑以惩恶,赏以酬功, 英语翻译奏有群臣当迁官,太祖素恶其人,不与.普坚以为请,太祖怒曰:“朕固不为迁官,卿若之何?”普曰:“刑以惩恶,赏以酬功 英语翻译优游群臣当迁官,太祖素恶其人,不与.普坚以为请,太祖怒曰:“朕固不为迁官.卿若之何?”普曰:“刑以惩恶,赏以酬功 刘邦当上皇帝后杀戮功臣为什么没把萧何曹参给杀了 皇帝为什么要杀功臣 英语翻译魏文侯使乐羊伐中山,克之;以封子击.文侯问于群臣曰:“我何如主?”皆曰:“仁君.”“君得中山,不以封君子之弟而封 英语翻译《说文解字》中记曰:“周礼八岁入小学,保氏教国子,先以六书.一曰指事:指事者,视而可识,察而可见,‘上’、‘下’ ‘有群臣当迁官,太祖素恶其人,不与.普坚以为请,太祖怒曰:“朕固不为迁官.卿若之何?”普曰:“刑以惩恶,赏以酬功,古灵通