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英语翻译While I can't help talking to others about you,I just fo

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/13 06:24:53
While I can't help talking to others about you,I just found how deeply I've fallen down.It seems that I eating Heroin.
Days I feel are very longer and longer,it only because of you.I tried to give up,but I couldn't keep my mind.I used to disallow anyone blaspheme my feelings.But,What am I doing now?I am blaspheming my feelings myself.Too surprised!Is that me?
Standing under the starry sky,glittery stars,clear and bright moon remind me of you.Your words are always so gloomy that I usually feel dejected.When will you giveme happiness?Or even a smile will make me exacted in a moment.
Lovers would grieve at parting as of cold.How could you stand this clear autumn day so cold!
Continue or give up,this is a question!
因为你 让我感觉时间如此难熬.我试过放弃,但是我不能控制我的情绪.曾经我不容许任何人亵渎我的感情.但是现在在做什么呢?我正在轻慢我的感情伤害我自己.太吃惊了.那是我么?
站在星空下,闪烁的星星 皎洁的月亮 让我想起了你.你的话总是如此黯淡 让我感觉很失望.什么时候你会给我幸福,或者是一个能让我瞬间打起精神的微笑
恋人们在分开的时候会感到忧伤 寒冷的季节亦是如此.你怎么能在晴朗的秋天让我感觉如此冷漠 ……
继续坚持或者放弃 这是一个问题