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找一篇关于 天空 或大海的英语作文 不能太难 能适合初中的学生读的 长短大概在100字左右 读出来要3分钟之内 不能太短

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/16 17:59:20
找一篇关于 天空 或大海的英语作文 不能太难 能适合初中的学生读的 长短大概在100字左右 读出来要3分钟之内 不能太短
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天空里的星星(The Stars in the Sky)
Maybe the stars mean's the dream,I love the stars in the blue sky,It's always bright and pretty,and always take me to a beautiful dream.I really like to look at the little stars,when I look at them,I feel very relax and happy.The stars are quiet and just like full of beautiful magic, It's amazy.
Just like wonders,the stars in the deapiest blue sky is so pretty,”one , two, three, four, five, six, seven……”there has so many so many stars in the sky,I really can't count it.
When I was so lonely,I will look at the sky,and told the little stars my little secrets,told the little stars my dream,and told them so many so many interesting things,then I will feel less lonely.
I like the stars in the sky,what about you?^_^~~
I have never seen any thing like the sea that is so charmful and wonderful.When i was very young,I always wondered if I was a mariner and go around the world like Sinbad on a sloop.What a pretty clour she has and what a mysterious smile it has.I was in such a deep though that sometimes I couldn't help drawing some ships on the blue diamond.
Now as I grow up,I accumulate much practical material in order to meet the wild desire of exploring the ocean.Then I begin to set my goals to protect the valuable diomand of our planet.There are too much pollusion of it,and what's worse,the people who polluted it never adimtted their crimes or even aware of them.I feel if measures are not be taken,we would lost our pretty sea,till taht time,any pray or guilt feeling will be no sence.
找一篇关于 天空 或大海的英语作文 不能太难 能适合初中的学生读的 长短大概在100字左右 读出来要3分钟之内 不能太短 一篇英语3分钟之内小故事,可以是童话故事或启发小故事(有道理的小故事),不能太短,四天内, 适合朗诵的诗歌需要那种抑扬顿挫的,就是有的地方如窃窃私语,有的地方又豪情四溢,错杂交替,不能太短,能读出感情来, 帮忙写一篇“我的家庭‘的英语作文.不能太简单,做好大概100个字左右.要有翻译 怎么写春晓的古诗赏析要短但不能太短,大概200字左右 求一篇描写晋城景点的作文.(晋城境内的!400~500字左右,不能太短或太长!) 需要一篇初中的语文演讲稿,要求是一篇寓言或哲理小故事,故事后面的感悟要深刻,感悟不能太短,总体时间保持在两分钟. 英语大赛我是一名初二的学生,学校举办英语演讲比赛,要求用英语讲一个故事.找一篇合适的,不能太短,也不要太难,最好幽默一些 急求一篇英语二人对话求一篇大学水平的英语对话,大概能说2-3分钟!不要太难的!如果好的话再加100分!最好是关于学生的校 寻英语小故事一则英语小故事,内容不要太复杂,不能太短也不能太长,不要多人对话,要一个人讲的,难读的单词不能太多.一篇英文 暑假见闻作文最好要关于南非世界杯的,初中作文400~600字左右,符合实际 不能太夸张 英语翻译一篇到两篇英语笑话,要是对话形式的,三个人的或者两个人的再加旁白,要3、4分钟的,不能太短,