作业帮 > 综合 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/01 13:30:32
Beginning of the match 开场
PEARL: "Pulsefire systems online."
Ezreal: "Run a quick analysis for me."
PEARL: "All systems operational"
Ezreal: "Hey PEARL, run a diagnostic."
PEARL: "All systems operational."
PEARL: "Pulsefire systems online."
Ezreal: "Let's do this."
Beginning of the match 开场
PEARL(拉丁/佩尔): "Pulsefire systems online."(Pulsefire系统在线)
Ezreal: (伊泽瑞尔/探险家)"Run a quick analysis for me."(正在进行快速分析)
PEARL: "All systems operational"(所有系统运行)
Ezreal: "Hey PEARL, run a diagnostic."(嘿,拉丁,进行一下诊断)
PEARL: "All systems operational."(所有系统运行)
PEARL: "Pulsefire systems online."(Pulsefire系统在线)
Ezreal: "Let's do this(放手一博)
上面的有个单词Pulsefire这个查不到,分开的话变成Pulse fire可以翻译成‘脉冲消防’